Clubs of Council of Europe

Dan Verejanu project

Books of Renata Verejanu

Classé dans : Renata Verejanu — 13 août, 2012 @ 11:48

Books of Renata Verejanu dans Renata Verejanu RV-la-UE-96x150Immortality
Reserve me a century, only for me
In our body even the nephews are sober
On my eyes are burning days of past centuries
The bells beat inside me –
A sign that I will live long
If I was a thunderstorm, it would be enough:
As long it produces light I am alive

In a shape of a thunderstorm
Write me with my poem
If it comes back in a century

Society mixed up in a great confusion
The year of my success is already fully stocked

My name is not vacant since today

Even in backstage I remained sylph

Immortality – the face of the noon, blond as a crop

I think my morning will come too

No mirror will show you the future

In the world of Renata Verejanu

Sayings and thinkings

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