Cheap British Airways flights from London to Iceland from £63!

Cheap British Airways flights from London to Iceland from £63!


If you are flexible enough you may consider these cheap British Airways flights from the UK to Iceland during the main tourist season of 2022! Only for limited travel dates in May or September (there is also availability for the winter schedule) you can book return flights from London to Reykjavik for £63! Please note that only hand luggage is included in the lowest fare. Additional checked-in luggage is available for £15 per flight. Take this opportunity to explore the unique nature of beautiful Iceland in peak season for such a low fare.

If you would need to book your accommodation in advance you may use the service of booking sites such as Hotelopia. As this deal with British Airways is an attractive solution not just for travelers in the UK you may check connection flights from your home city through Skyscanner.


Flying from: London Heathrow

Flying to: Reykjavik

Airline(s): British Airways

Luggage: handbag

Outbound travel dates: May or September 2022 to February 2023 (excl. Christmas)

Max stay: 3 months

Book by: 31st of August



Booking sample

London to Iceland for £88 (directly with British Airways)

London to Iceland for £63


Booking sample of cheap British Airways return flights from the UK to Iceland for £63. In this case you would be departing from London Heathrow to Reykjavik on the 29th of September. Your return flight from beautiful Iceland back to the UK would take place on the 6th of October 2022.

Cheap British Airways flights from London to Iceland from £63!

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