1991 Ford Explorer Owners Guide [Searchable PDF] | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1991 Ford Explorer Owners Guide [Searchable PDF]


Blue Bomb!
November 3, 2013
Reaction score
North Idaho
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 & 1994 Explorers
1991 Ford Explorer Owners Guide - ATTN: NEW EXPLORER OWNERS!! [Searchable PDF]

Seeing the wealth of information in this community, I've wanted to give back for a while. When I got my Explorer, I was surprised to see the original owners manual in the glove box. I've been looking through it lately and have been seeing a lot of useful information. I've found my way to give back to you guys; tear the pages out of the book and scan them into a searchable PDF. There are several of these books on eBay but once done, this document will be free and (hopefully) archive-quality.

Cover Image

Part 1 - 106 pages, 55.2MB
Part 2 - 49 pages, 32.2MB
(Links will take you to Dropbox where I host the files, a link to download is at the top right)

Note: To read the final product, you will need Adobe Reader. Most of you probably already have it but, being that I work in the IT field, I see a LOT of outdated computers. Do yourself a favor and download the latest version here:
or here:

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That looks awesome, hopefully you don't do all this work to realize someone already has somewhere else though haha

Thanks :) I only found them on eBay. I did a search and didn't see any images or documents that look like this. If someone else already has, I doubt it will be searchable which is a HUGE advantage when you're dealing with 200+ pages.

I have quite a few of these for first gens. Let me know what year you are looking for

You have them in a PDF or in physical form?

The original post has been updated with Part 1 of the book. I decided to split the servicing section to another document due to time constraints and potential file size.

Physical form
I'm converting them into a searchable PDF that people can download and easily find information in. Are the 1992, 1993 & 1994 versions vastly different from the 1991?

The original post has been updated with Part 1 of the book. I decided to split the servicing section to another document due to time constraints and potential file size.

I'm converting them into a searchable PDF that people can download and easily find information in. Are the 1992, 1993 & 1994 versions vastly different from the 1991?

I don't think so. I used to work at a junkyard and would hoard them and the 4x4 guide

I saw the 4x4 guide on eBay. That's something I'd like to have. Do you happen to have an extra copy? I'd scan it and put it on here too :)

And by that I mean, it would have to be torn apart but it would be archived for all to see.

I saw the 4x4 guide on eBay. That's something I'd like to have. Do you happen to have an extra copy? I'd scan it and put it on here too :)

And by that I mean, it would have to be torn apart but it would be archived for all to see.

I'm gonna scan and post

I'm gonna post the link to google docs as soon as I'm done

I finally got around to scanning and uploading Part 2 which has a lot of valuable information including maintenance intervals, proper fluids, capacities, part numbers, bulb identification and diagrams of the fuse and power distribution boxes.

I hope this helps someone :)

This is a great idea! I see a lot of vehicles that friends and family buy that don't have the original books with them and they are full of helpful info like what fluids to use and maintenance info. I have all the original material for my 91 (including the "how to change a tire" pamphlet lol) and its great that you are putting this up for those who don't have their booklets! I can see this being a useful reference on the forum, I vote sticky it. :thumbsup:

Thank you so much NATE! I just bought my first gen Explorer a few weeks ago and have been going everywhere looking for this.

Thank you so much NATE! I just bought my first gen Explorer a few weeks ago and have been going everywhere looking for this.
Thanks for showing your appreciation. Helping people like you is why I did this.

Thanks for showing your appreciation. Helping people like you is why I did this.

No worries. The truly funny part is I signed up on this forum site a few weeks ago, looked for the manual couldn't find it.. Googled it today and got your posting.. haha.

It's funny how many Google searches lead me back to this site. It's such a great resource.

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I have the EVTM for the 1991 model but I've found inaccuracies and it's in black & white. Plus, I don't really want to destroy it to scan it.

Try BBBIndustries, they usually have good wiring diagrams.
