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Web Professional Educator Survey

Page One

1. 1. Please indicate your USA region.
2. 2. Please select your teaching experience.
3. 3. Which of the following best describes you?
4. 4. Which of the following best describes the department you belong to?
5. 5. How many students do you teach Web centric topics to per semester/quarter?
6. 6. Please choose the topic(s) your students are primarily interested in (choose as many as apply).
7. 7. Which of the following best describes your class offerings?
8. 8. Please describe the context in which you teach experience (select all that apply).
9. 9. Please indicate the number of years you have taught in this field.
10. 10. Please indicate the teaching area that best describes your experience (select all that apply)
11. 11. How important is the integration of Entrepreneurship?
12. 12. How important is the integration of Creativity?
15. I would like to collaborate with other educators on the development of course development and student outcomes.
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