This month's energy...
Crystalline Soul Healing

Light Language Intensive Retreat

Learn The Language of Light with Jamye in Sedona, AZ! 

Level I/II
Learn The Language of Light

October 23 &24
Friday & Saturday
Sedona, AZ

You will learn to speak Light Language, sign it with your hands, write it and identify its origin.  We will culminate with a powerful connection with the land as you experience the depths to which Light Language can enliven your soul! 

Level III
Light Language for Practitioners

October 25 &26
Sunday & Monday
Sedona, AZ

This class will stretch and support you into confidence with your Light Language skills.  Whether you already have a healing practice and want to add Light Language as a service, or you just want to transmit it for your own personal healing, this class will take you to another level of understanding and experience.


Lyran Perspective Channeling

Saturday, July 11th

6:30 - 8pm MST
(AZ does NOT participate in daylight savings time)

This session is channeled guidance from Areon, of the Lyran Council of Time, our ancient, benevolent forebearers that are here to support us through this glorious shift.  Their loving counsel will remind you of your connection with a timeless universe and help you apply your Divine potential into manifestation.  

This session will include potent Light Language, channeled guidance and questions and answers.


Light Language Healing CDs!

Activate your
Sacred Relationship
& more!

Each recording is a profound Light Language healing.  The long programs also contain a channeled Guided Meditation. 

Choose from many different topics as the Light Language frequencies clear and balance your field and activate all that you need to move forward on your path with Grace.

Live the Life of Love you deserve!

"I was blown away at the power of your healing CD."

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I AM ON FIRE. Things are moving quickly now and I am front and center and wide awake!"


Individual Healing Sessions

Get 3 sessions and save 33%!

I offer two different healing sessions over the phone.

A Crystalline Soul Healing session activates your Divine Blueprint and Ascension codes, initiates healing, releases limitations and blocks and integrates the wisdom of your challenges for movement forward.  You'll experience Light Language channeled directly for you and practical information to live your new vibration in the real world!

An Axiatonal Alignment clears and activates your galactic meridian system and helps align you with your Wholeness, path of expansion and sharing your Joy in life.  This session only needs to be done once.


Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

It's not necessary to see (or even hear) the Light Language to receive the benefits, but it's fun!  Subscribe through Youtube to receive instant notification when a new channeling is uploaded.


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July 2015 Newsletter


The Energies of July

June Review
June was a fast paced month with a focus on dealing with change. Whether you were feeling frenetic with the pace or a sense of freedom, time kept moving you toward more creative abilities and participation with life. Have you noticed the pace of change? Time seems to be moving faster than ever. June kept us on our toes as we found life calling us into great participation with it. Have you noticed that meditation is shorter and more potent? Have you noticed your manifestations speeding up? If not, deepen your focus and start with simple things that have no emotional charge and look for synchronicity. Clear the heart for more access to Love. July will be supporting this.

For some, I noticed a theme of anger, rage and hatred releasing in June, especially around family. These are emotions that those on a spiritual path often don’t like to deal with. They aren’t comfortable to feel or receive, that is why it is best to move through them in the healthiest way possible. These emotions can get stuffed deep and even covered with more comfortable things like martyrdom, judgment, avoidance, etc. This creates an addictive effect as one continues to suppress and avoid.

Not everyone has the same path, pace or need to process in the same way. For those that were clearing these energies, it may have processed as they slept, either in dreams or just in less rejuvenative sleep. Others had a harder time concentrating or meditating.  Others had it in their experience and were learning boundaries. If you were experiencing this, you are clearing your vibration for greater freedom. Without the past silently creating discord within you, you are free in the present moment. This is the power of forgiveness. It frees you. Thank you for all that you are doing!

July Energies
Heart/Mind balance is moving to a new level! This is a core aspect of Ascension. It is natural for our bio-mechanism to evolve into greater coherence in our subtle expression.  As our subtle expression of feelings and thoughts become more coherent, we are amplifying our electromagnetic force.

Esoterically, the heart is connective, vast, timeless and Knows Love. The mind delineates, as does time; it is a vehicle of refinement in physical form. It takes the vast information and deals with what the conscious mind can access. This is why it is important to stay open-minded, so your unconscious can relay information to the conscious mind more easily. To have the heart and mind in coherence means that the Loving information of the heart is leading the mind to create through a foundation of connection and co-operation. Nature shows us how powerful that is for thriving.

In June, some were clearing out emotions that were blocking them from a greater access to Love. In July, I feel a focus around letting go of control and emphasizing the deep knowing of the power of Love to heal and create something magical that we couldn’t have imagined was possible. Letting go of control is a mixed bag, it’s not all bad. For instance, controlling your negative thought chatter, healthy eating and exercise habits, or anger processing are a few examples of things that are benefited by control. Any of them could also be imbalanced, like avoiding reality and only thinking positive thoughts or controlling your anger to the point that it just gets stuffed inside and you do not hold healthy boundaries. Balance is key, nothing is just bad on Earth. It is all an experience that has a potential benefit that must be found. Heart/mind coherence allows new information to surface.

July feels as if it is moving us more toward mind connection with ease and the potentials of the future. That is easy when things are good. It is a different feeling in the midst of chaos. Whichever you are experiencing in a moment, keep a little detached observance of how you are reacting, the motivations of anyone involved, the fears that are surfacing and seek a focus on an empowering, though unknown, outcome. It’s important to do this when things are easy so you become accustomed to what it feels like to observe. It’s not as easy and doesn’t feel as good in challenge, so practice when things aren’t so charged.

Things are moving so fast! I hope the improvement is becoming apparent to you. You can’t just watch the news and see it, but sometimes the clues are in there. July is an exciting building of personal empowerment and the improvement of the bio-mechanism that is inherently divine. As we each become personally empowered, responsible, focused, peaceful, joyful and embrace human life, the world really begins to change. July will support you into more peace, even as things are moving quickly. That requires a strength from within that isn’t just dependent on good circumstances, but it does create good circumstances over time. July will call you to more focus on the beautiful potentials of life. Focusing some Love within will help you amplify your potentials. Loving yourself increases your flow of Love so that life is manifesting powerfully through you. Your Love flow changes the world. 

Have an amazing July!
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July Light Language Healing

Light Language is channeled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light that adjusts to the resonance of each listener’s vibrational needs in the moment; initiating clearing, activation, balancing and alignment with a new vibration of Wellbeing. Each time you listen, you initiate a new layer of healing based on your current vibration, your intention to heal and your willingness to participate in your Personal Path of living your Higher Vibrational state.

July's Light Language is about Heart and Mind coherence - your wholeness amplifies your Love and changes your life!  Enjoy!

Upcoming Interviews in July

Join me on Beyond the Ordinary July 14th!
Beyond the Ordinary with John Burgos!
July 14th   5pm Pacific

We will be discussing your natural state of
Divine Human Being

Click HERE to listen!


Join me on Energized Living Today  with Cindy Kubica!
July 27    2pm Pacific

We will be discussing Your Empowerment Within - a necessary foundation for your Ascension

Click HERE to listen!

Have a Joyous July!

Love & Light,

Crystalline Soul Healing
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