3 [PENTAX] DFA 150-450 리뷰 (1) 외형과 테스트
송기화 (2015.08.07 19:21:12)

DFA 150-450 리뷰 (1) 외형과 테스트

*본 리뷰는 세기P&C(www.saeki.co.kr)를 통해 렌즈를 무상으로 임대받아 사용한 후 작성하였습니다.

-리뷰어의 기회를 주신 펜탁스클럽(www.pentaxclub.com)과 세기P&C에 감사드립니다.






출처: 세기P&C

펜탁스에서 새 망원렌즈가 나왔습니다ㅣ
HD PENTAX DFA 150-450 F4.5-5.6ED DC AW라는 긴 이름의 렌즈입니다.

위 이미지에도 나와있지만 다시 한 번 이름의 의미를 분석하자면 
HD : HD 코팅입니다
PENTAX : 리코 아니라 펜탁스라서 다행입니다ㅋㅋㅋ
DFA: DA(크롭)은 물론 FA(풀프레임)에서도 사용 가능하다는 의미입니다. FF 좀 빨리 내주세요.
150-450: 초점거리가 150-450(크롭 바디에서는 230-690)인 줌 렌즈라는 의미입니다.
F4.5-5.6: 조리개 최대개방값이 150mm에서 4.5, 그 이상에서는 5.6으로 변화하는 가변조리개라는 뜻입니다.
ED: 저분산 렌즈를 사용하여 색수차를 억제했다는 소리입니다.
DC: DC모터를 내장하여 AF구동음이 매우 조용합니다.
AW: 펜탁스의 방진방적 WR보다 상위인 All Weather가 적용되어 눈이나 비가 오는 상황에도 안심할 수 있습니다.


렌즈 이름을 살펴봤으니 이번에는 렌즈의 스펙을 보시겠습니다.




출처: 세기P&C

네 그렇다고 합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ

1. 외형
자세한 설명은 제가 찍은 외형과 함께 보시겠습니다.

촬영에는 펜탁스의 귀요미를 맡고있는 Q7이 함께했습니다.

옙 렌즈는 이렇게 생겼습니다.

왼쪽부터 거리개창/초점링/각종 조작버튼/줌링이 위치해있습니다.


후드를 제대로 장착한 모습입니다.

150mm 구간이고요.


450mm에서 코가 가장 길게 나옵니다. 쭈우우욱~!



최단초점거리는 2m

150-450 줌망원렌즈의 초점거리가 2m 밖에 안된다는 것은 엄청난 일입니다.


20m가 있고 그 다음 무한대가 표시됩니다.



측면에는 다양한 조작버튼이 위치해 있습니다.


우선 초점거리 제한레버가 있습니다.



세가지로 나뉘어 있으며 

조작레버가 Full에 위치한 경우 2m부터 무한대까지

2-6m에 위치한 경우 2m부터 6m까지

6m-무한대에 위치한 경우 6m부터 무한대까지만 초점을 잡습니다.


DC모터 채용으로 인해 AF가 빠르고 조용하지만

이 레버를 사용하여 피사체가 6미터 보다 가까울 때, 멀 때에 맞추어 초점거리를 제한해 둘 경우 더욱 빠른 AF가 가능합니다.


두번째로는 초점방식 조작 레버입니다.


DFA 150-450렌즈는 QSF를 지원하는 렌즈입니다.

QSF란 '퀵쉬프트포커스'의 줄임말로 렌즈에서 AF중에도 초점링을 돌려서 수동으로 초점을 잡는것이 가능한 기능입니다.


QSF/A는 AF가 우선이며 수동초점도 지원하는 경우이고(초점링을 돌리는 중에도 AF 작동)

QSF/M은 수동초점이 우선입니다.(초점링을 돌리면 AF 중지)

M은 렌즈에서 매뉴얼 초점이 가능하도록 AF를 아예 정지하는 기능입니다.


세번째로 줌락이 있습니다.

150mm 구간에서만 작동하는 버튼이며

잠가두지 않으면 이동할대 코가 줄줄 빠집니다.



필터 크기는 86mm이고


후드하단에는 후드를 장착하고도 CPL이나 가변형ND필터등을 조작할 수 있도록 

일부를 제거할 수 있는 덮개?가 존재합니다.


그리고 렌즈 조작부 곳곳에 있는 둥근 버튼은 AF 버튼이며
단순 AF 기능 이외에도
미리 지정한 포커스 위치로 한번에 이동할 수 있는 프리셋 모드,
그리고 AF 도중에 강제로 AF를 정지시켜 포커스를 잡는 AF CANCEL 기능을 설정할 수 있지만!!!

이 기능은 K-3, K-S1, K-S2에서만 작동하며
제 바디인 K-50에서는 작동하지 않아 실제로 테스트해보지는 못해습니다.

그렇지만 실제로 렌즈를 사용하면서
아 이버튼을 눌러서 AF가 된다면 얼마나 좋을까라는 생각이 정말 엄청나게 많이 하루에도 수십번씩 들었기 때문에
굉장히 유용한 기능일 것으로 보입니다.

펌업으로 좀 가능하게 해줬으면 매우 좋았겠지만 일단 저는 사용해보지 못했습니다.

2. 보케와 빛갈라짐

다음은 빛갈라짐 테스트입니다.
DFA 150-450렌즈는 원형조리개를 채택하여 예쁜 보케를 만드는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
이런 망원렌즈로 빛갈라지는 사진을 찍는 사람보다는 보케를 즐기는 사람이 많기 때문인 것 같습니다.

(1)150mm 구간에서의 보케




후반에는 빛이 갈라지려는건지 보케인건지 알 수 없는 모양이 약간 보였습니다만.

전반적으로 원형을 유지합니다.


(2)310mm 구간에서의 보케

워낙 망원렌즈이다 보니 제대로 보케를 낼 수 있는 곳을 찾기도 힘들었습니다.

310mm구간 샘플은 저희집에서 직선거리로 약 400m 가량 떨어진 아파트를 찍어보았습니다.

















역시 전체적으로 원 모양이 무너지지 않고 보케가 유지됩니다.

(3)450mm 구간에서의 보케

450mm 구간에서 제대로 된 샘플을 보여드리지 못해 죄송하다는 말씀을 먼저 드립니다.

이게 줌이 워낙 많이 되다보니 빛망울을 잡을 만한 곳을 찾지 못했습니다.

아까처럼 400미터 떨어진 아파트단지를 찍더라고 집 안이 다 보일 것 같아서;;;;

한 컷 가득 가로등을 잡았습니다.

그냥 모양만 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다.













450mm 구간에서는 한 컷 가득 가로등을 담아보았지만

조리개를 조임에 따라서 심도가 깊어져서 보케가 아닌 가로등 본래의 모습이 나오려고 합니다.

이 구간에서 제대로 된 샘플을 보여드리지 못해 죄송합니다.


(4) 빛갈라짐



원형조리개 채택으로 인하여




나열식 설명이 많았던 DFA 150-450 첫 리뷰였습니다.

다음부터는 설명보다는 실제 촬영 샘플을 더 많이 들고 오도록 하겠습니다.



DFA 150-450 리뷰 (1) 외형과 테스트





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[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:01:21 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.05 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:01:20 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:01:20 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2835 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624714_3.jpg [File Size]921412 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:54 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:01:47 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.05 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:01:46 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:01:46 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2846 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715.jpg [File Size]872089 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:01:51 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1/30 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:01:50 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:01:50 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2858 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715_1.jpg [File Size]918342 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1600 pixels [Image Width]899 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 08:59:49 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.1 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 08:59:48 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 08:59:48 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]899 pixels [Exif Image Height]1600 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]3102 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715_2.jpg [File Size]1082389 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:01:56 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1/40 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:01:55 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:01:55 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2840 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715_3.jpg [File Size]993765 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:23 11:11:48 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [Padding][2060 values] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.04 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:02:19 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:02:19 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074137288 pixels [Exif Image Height]-2096951392 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [Padding][2060 values] [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]60864 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2898 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715_4.jpg [File Size]953793 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:23 11:11:52 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [Padding][2060 values] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1/30 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:02:25 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:02:25 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074137288 pixels [Exif Image Height]-2096951392 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [Padding][2060 values] [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]60864 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2578 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715_5.jpg [File Size]828458 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:23 11:11:47 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [Padding][2060 values] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.05 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:02:10 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:02:10 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074137288 pixels [Exif Image Height]-2096951392 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [Padding][2060 values] [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]60864 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2958 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624715_6.jpg [File Size]913719 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:55 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:02:41 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.02 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]250 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:02:40 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:02:40 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2859 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624716.jpg [File Size]955952 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:56 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:01:08 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1/15 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:01:07 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:01:07 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2861 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624716_1.jpg [File Size]899400 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:56 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]899 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX Q7 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:20 09:00:54 [Artist] [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright] [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.05 sec [F-Number]f/1.9 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:20 09:00:53 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:20 09:00:53 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]8.5 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1600 pixels [Exif Image Height]899 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]39 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]None [Saturation]None [Sharpness]None [Subject Distance Range]Macro [Body Serial Number]4798524 [Lens Specification]8.5-0mm f/1.9-0.0 [Lens Make]PENTAX [Lens Model]01 STANDARD PRIME [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]56684 bytes [Thumbnail Length]2660 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437624716_2.jpg [File Size]1046866 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:11:56 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:54:46 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]10 sec [F-Number]f/5.6 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:54:46 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:54:46 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7590 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626892.jpg [File Size]766576 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:12 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:53:41 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]8 sec [F-Number]f/4.5 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:53:41 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:53:41 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7918 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626892_1.jpg [File Size]748251 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:12 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:56:23 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]15 sec [F-Number]f/8.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:56:23 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:56:23 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7588 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626893.jpg [File Size]725359 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:13 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:58:49 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]13 sec [F-Number]f/18.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]800 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:58:49 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:58:49 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7137 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626893_1.jpg [File Size]962355 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:13 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:55:06 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]15 sec [F-Number]f/6.3 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]100 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:55:06 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:55:06 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7709 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626893_2.jpg [File Size]770535 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:13 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:57:56 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]4 sec [F-Number]f/10.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]800 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:57:56 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:57:56 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]6095 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626893_3.jpg [File Size]901915 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:13 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:59:18 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]20 sec [F-Number]f/22.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]800 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:59:18 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:59:18 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7773 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626893_4.jpg [File Size]1028741 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:13 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 22:58:32 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]8 sec [F-Number]f/14.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]800 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 22:58:32 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 22:58:32 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]6691 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437626893_5.jpg [File Size]940047 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:48:13 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:03:45 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1/125 sec [F-Number]f/5.6 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:03:45 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:03:45 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]450 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]675 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]3772 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627533.jpg [File Size]739052 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:58:53 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:03:59 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.02 sec [F-Number]f/10.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:03:59 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:03:59 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]450 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]675 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]6859 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627533_1.jpg [File Size]530874 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:58:53 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:03:53 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.01 sec [F-Number]f/7.1 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:03:53 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:03:53 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]450 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]675 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7477 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627534.jpg [File Size]603036 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:58:54 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:04:11 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]0.2 sec [F-Number]f/29.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:04:11 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:04:11 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]450 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]675 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]6928 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627534_1.jpg [File Size]486964 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:58:54 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:04:05 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1/13 sec [F-Number]f/18.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:04:05 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:04:05 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]450 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]675 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7584 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627534_2.jpg [File Size]514954 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 13:58:54 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:15:42 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1 sec [F-Number]f/8.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:15:42 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:15:42 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]310 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]465 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]6931 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627779.jpg [File Size]898532 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:02:59 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:15:53 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]1.6 sec [F-Number]f/10.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:15:53 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:15:53 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]310 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]465 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]6779 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627779_1.jpg [File Size]901433 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:02:59 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:16:20 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]5 sec [F-Number]f/18.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:16:20 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:16:20 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]310 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]465 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7236 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627780.jpg [File Size]909180 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:03:00 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:16:49 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]10 sec [F-Number]f/29.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:16:49 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:16:49 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]310 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]465 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7395 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627780_1.jpg [File Size]918666 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:03:00 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:16:06 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]3 sec [F-Number]f/14.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:16:06 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:16:06 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]310 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]465 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7061 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627780_2.jpg [File Size]910739 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:03:00 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:16:34 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]8 sec [F-Number]f/22.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:16:34 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:16:34 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]310 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]465 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Close view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7217 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437627780_3.jpg [File Size]908785 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:03:00 +09:00 2015
[[JPEG]] [Compression Type]Baseline [Data Precision]8 bits [Image Height]1059 pixels [Image Width]1600 pixels [Number of Components]3 [Component 1]Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 2]Cb component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [Component 3]Cr component: Quantization table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [[Exif IFD0]] [Make]PENTAX [Model]PENTAX K-50 [Orientation]Top, left side (Horizontal / normal) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Software]photoWORKS17 [Date/Time]2015:07:19 23:00:57 [Artist]SONGGYA [YCbCr Positioning]Datum point [Copyright]SONGGYA [[Exif SubIFD]] [Exposure Time]13 sec [F-Number]f/22.0 [Exposure Program]Aperture priority [ISO Speed Ratings]1600 [Exif Version]2.30 [Date/Time Original]2015:07:19 23:00:57 [Date/Time Digitized]2015:07:19 23:00:57 [Components Configuration]YCbCr [Exposure Bias Value]0 EV [Metering Mode]Center weighted average [Flash]Flash did not fire [Focal Length]150 mm [FlashPix Version]1.00 [Color Space]sRGB [Exif Image Width]1074139968 pixels [Exif Image Height]604245184 pixels [Sensing Method]One-chip color area sensor [File Source]Digital Still Camera (DSC) [Scene Type]Directly photographed image [Custom Rendered]Normal process [Exposure Mode]Auto exposure [White Balance Mode]Auto white balance [Focal Length 35]225 mm [Scene Capture Type]Standard [Contrast]Hard [Saturation]Low saturation [Sharpness]Hard [Subject Distance Range]Distant view [[Interoperability]] [Interoperability Index]Recommended Exif Interoperability Rules (ExifR98) [Interoperability Version]1.00 [[GPS]] [GPS Version ID]2.300 [[PrintIM]] [PrintIM Version]0300 [[Exif Thumbnail]] [Compression]JPEG (old-style) [X Resolution]72 dots per inch [Y Resolution]72 dots per inch [Resolution Unit]Inch [Thumbnail Offset]54610 bytes [Thumbnail Length]7649 bytes [[Huffman]] [Number of Tables]4 Huffman tables [[File Type]] [Detected File Type Name]JPEG [Detected File Type Long Name]Joint Photographic Experts Group [Detected MIME Type]image/jpeg [Expected File Name Extension]jpg [[File]] [File Name]1437628370.jpg [File Size]1624882 bytes [File Modified Date]Thu Jul 23 14:12:50 +09:00 2015
pzfust 2023.12.15 3
pzfust 2023.12.15 1735 3
pzfust 2023.12.15 1
pzfust 2023.12.15 1705 1
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하늘 나무 2023.10.09 0
하늘 나무 2023.10.09 2273 0
하늘 나무 2023.08.29 0
하늘 나무 2023.08.29 2555 0
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.17 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.17 3260 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.17 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.17 3301 3
장재민 2023.05.15 3
장재민 2023.05.15 3350 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.10 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.10 3285 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.09 3
산중유인/이병두 2023.05.09 3256 3
레아루카레/조일구 2023.02.05 0
레아루카레/조일구 2023.02.05 3668 0
초아 박대인 2023.02.03 4
초아 박대인 2023.02.03 3809 4
Physio T. 김경모 2022.08.29 0
Physio T. 김경모 2022.08.29 4429 0
[嘉狼]김민재 2022.03.06 5
[嘉狼]김민재 2022.03.06 5079 5
[嘉狼]김민재 2022.02.17 8
[嘉狼]김민재 2022.02.17 4910 8
PAPIYA/박호원 2021.09.27 6
PAPIYA/박호원 2021.09.27 5107 6
PAPIYA/박호원 2021.09.27 5
PAPIYA/박호원 2021.09.27 4790 5
PAPIYA/박호원 2021.09.27 6
PAPIYA/박호원 2021.09.27 4846 6
작팔리 조용철 2021.08.11 0
작팔리 조용철 2021.08.11 4739 0
작팔리 조용철 2021.06.24 1
작팔리 조용철 2021.06.24 5027 1