Kagerou Project Chorus Medley!
Here you can sign up for KagePro collabs as singers, animators, artists, mixers, musicians and scripters!
You can sign up for separate songs or the medley made by osamuraisan found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT3ff-ogwCo 
I am hoping to have this medley finished by Blindfold Day, August 15th just to stay within the summertime season and the fandom day itself.
My original idea for doing the medley was to unite the YouTaite community  in the same(-ish) way that the characters in the KagePro were united. We're strangers but still tied together by it's music/manga/anime and this is our chance to come together and help each other out.
If too many/too little people apply for a song that is shortened in the medley, we'd be willing to record the medley over making that song longer/shorter.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What song(s) in the medley do you want to do? *
What part are you planning to play in this? *
How active are you? *
Not very.
Very active, punctual/early.
Send us samples of your work! *
If more than one of the categories listed above, label them! Singers: If you have a recording laying around of one these songs or record a new one just for the occasion even better!
Tell us how we can contact you! *
If you have Skype it'd be a lot easier and preferable
Tell us your skills/specialties
If you have an example of these, send us those too!
Is there a song that you'd like to do for the medley that isn't in osamuraisan's original medley? (It has to be KagePro)
If enough people vote for this song we can try to arrange something.
What's your comfortable vocal range? *
What's your Alias/Nickname? *
Would you like to help someone else that wants to do what you can do? *
Ex: Someone wants to help out with animation but they don't know how to Pan/Zoom in.
Which of these languages are you most comfortable singing in? *
Any questions we could answer for you?
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