2015 KATE Conference Breakout Session Presentation Proposals
KATE Conference, October 22-23, 2015, Wichita Marriott
Proposals are due September 1, 2015
*PLEASE NOTE: Presenters are expected to register for the conference.*
Your Name *
School or Organization *
Position/Grade Level/Subject Area *
School or Organizational Address *
Include address, street, city, state and zip code
Preferred Mailing Address (if different from address above)
Include Address, street, city, state and zip code
Primary email address *
Secondary email address
Phone number *
Include area code
Presentation Title *
Presentation's intended audience *
Please check all that might apply
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Presentation's Area of Focus or Specialty *
Please check all that might apply
Jāaizpilda obligāti
Full Description/Explanation of Expected Presentation Content *
This is to give conference chairs as complete an idea as possible what your presentation will include
Presentation Description for the Conference Program *
This is the proposal description as you'd like to have it appear in the conference program. PLEASE keep this description under 100 words.
What day(s) are you available to present? *
If you anticipate any technology needs for your presentation, please describe those below.
If you would be interested in facilitating a workshop, discussion or roundtable, briefly describe the topic you'd like to facilitate.
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