ReadTheory Survey
This is a questionnaire to get your feedback on your experience of using the ReadTheory website this term.
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When do you usually access ReadTheory? *
How often have you accessed ReadTheory this term? *
How much effort have you put into improving your grade level on ReadTheory? *
Do you know what it means to "read critically?" *
How important do you think it is to be able to read critically? *
Do you think ReadTheory has helped you to read more critically? *
How enjoyable is it to use ReadTheory? *
Would you recommend ReadTheory to other junior students at Sacred Heart? *
How likely are you to continue using ReadTheory in the future? *
Have you encountered any problems or issues with using ReadTheory? *
Briefly outline these below
Which area do you think you need to work on the MOST in your English studies? *
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