Paly Math Camp 2016
UPDATE: We have successfully obtained an AMC week for the math campers! However, it will be Tuesday–Friday 7/5–7/8. IF YOU HAVE SIGNED UP FOR THE OLD AMC CAMP AND WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR THE NEW AMC CAMP, PLEASE RE-REGISTER. IF YOU SIGNED UP FOR BOTH, PLEASE INCLUDE BOTH IN YOUR NEW REGISTRATION. If you only signed up for MathCounts, there is no need to change your registration. Thank you! Any questions can be sent to We apologize for any inconvenience this process may have caused.

Thank you for your interest! We will only be accepting the first 30 students per week.

On the first day of camp, please bring the photo release form with the names of the student and guardian and signatures from each at the bottom of the second page (

Please also bring any donation you may wish to make.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Sample Day Schedule:
1–1:45 Teach the topic of the day w/ examples and interaction w/ students
1:45–2 Break w/ small snack
2–2:45 Problems with individualized help from organizers
2:45–3 Break w/ small snack
3–4 Fun Math Activity (e.g., scavenger hunt w/ math, Countdown Round, mock test)
Please select the camps you would like to attend. *
Both are at Terman Middle School.
Student Name *
First and last name
Student Email
Current School *
Only PAUSD students may attend these camps.
Upcoming Grade Level *
This is the grade level your student will be in fall 2016. For example, if she finished 5th grade this May, she is an upcoming 6th grader.
Allergies / Food Restrictions *
We will have some snacks throughout the camp
Parent/Guardian Name *
First and last name
Parent/Guardian Relationship *
e.g. mother, father, guardian
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone *
For emergency contact info
Home Phone
For emergency contact info
Street Address *
For emergency contact info
City *
For emergency contact info
Zip Code *
For emergency contact info
Math Competition Experience
If you have any MathCounts, AMC, etc. scores you would like to share, please list them below. We will use this to get an idea of how much experience the students have. No experience is required to attend the camps.
How did you hear about the camp?
Donation Amount
The recommended amount is $100–175. Instructions for payment will be included in a pre-camp email. We use these funds to help high schoolers participate in math tournaments. Thank you for helping to support Paly Math Club!
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