背包客旅遊動機、個人發展及轉化學習經驗之研究  (From backpacker to learner: Relationships among motivations, personal development and transformative learning experiences)

Hello. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among backpackers' travel motivations, personal development, and transformative learning experiences. Please choose the appropriate answer according to your personal experience as a backpacker. There are five parts in the questionnaire, and it might take you about 5 minutes to complete the survey. Besides, all contents in this survey are for academic use only. Thank you for participating in this study.

College of Sports and Recreation, National Taiwan Normal University, TAIWAN
Graduate: Grace Pin-Chi Huang
Advisor: Shao-Hsi Chang
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The first part: Backpacking experiences
1-1 請問您當過背包客嗎?請問您有過背包旅行的經驗嗎? *
1-1 Have you ever been a backpacker (or choose the backpacking way to travel)?
1-2 請問您是否在旅途中住過背包客棧、青年旅舍、B&B、hostel? *
1-2 Have you ever stayed in backpackers, YHA, B&B or hostel in your travelling experiences?
1-3 請問您是否有國際背包旅行的經驗? *
1-3 Have you ever been an INTERNATIONAL backpacker?
1-4 請問您是否有跨洲的國際背包客經驗? *
1-4 Have you ever been an INTERNATIONAL backpacker who traveled to other continents?
NOTICE: If you are using a smart phone, please switch to landscape mode for showing the seven-point Likert scale.  
第二部分:旅遊動機 (選擇用背包客方式去旅行,是為了...)
The second part: Travel motivations (The motivations to be a backpacker was for...)
2-1 追尋人生的另外一半。 *
2-1 Searching for a relationship of my life.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-2 使自己變得與眾不同。 *
2-2 Making me different from the others.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-3 與其他背包客溝通並從中學習。 *
2-3 Communicating with and learning from others.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-4 結交新朋友。 *
2-4 Making new friends.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-5 認識並更瞭解自己。 *
2-5 Knowing and understanding myself.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-6 提升個人技能。 *
2-6 Improving personal skills.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-7 測試自己。 *
2-7 Testing myself.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-8 發展個人能力。 *
2-8 Developing personal capacity.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-9 與當地人溝通。 *
2-9 Communicating with local people.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-10 認識當地的社會文化與歷史。 *
2-10 Knowing and understanding the local culture, history and society.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-11 體驗在地的生活。 *
2-11 Experiencing the local way of life.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-12 逃離日常工作與生活。 *
2-12 Escaping daily routine in life and work.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-13 在身心上獲得放鬆。 *
2-13 Relaxing both physical and psychological sides.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
2-14 暫時遠離對未來的迷惘。 *
2-14 Relieving from confusion about the future.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
第三部分:個人發展 (經由背包客的經驗,我認為...)
The third part: Personal development (Due to the backpacking experiences, I realized...)
3-1 適應環境的能力提升。 *
3-1 My capacity to adapt in new environment has been improved.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-2 辨識以及解決問題的能力提升。 *
3-2 My capacity to adapt to identify and resolve problems has improved.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-3 溝通能力提升。 *
3-3 My communication capacity has improved.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-4 能調整好負面情緒。 *
3-4 My negative emotions have been well adjusted.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-5 釋放焦慮與壓力。 *
3-5 My anxiety and stress has been relieved.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-6 先前挫敗的感覺已解決。 *
3-6 My prior frustration has been well responded to.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-7 時間管理能力的提升。 *
3-7 My time management skills have been upgraded.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-8 金錢控管能力的提升。 *
3-8 My money management skills have been upgraded.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-9 物質管理能力的提升。 *
3-9 My material (e.g., food, daily-use goods) management skills have been upgraded.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-10 看待世界的觀點有所改變。 *
3-10 My view toward the world has changed.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-11 生活觀有所改變。 *
3-11 My view of life has changed.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-12 價值觀有所改變。 *
3-12 My view of value has changed.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-13 背包客的經驗讓我覺得自己與眾不同。 *
3-13 The backpacking experiences have made me feel I am different.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-14 別人看待我的觀點有所改變。 *
3-14 The view of people around toward me has changed.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-15 自信心的提升。 *
3-15 My confidence has increased.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
3-16 自律以及自我控制的提升。 *
3-16 My self-discipline and self-control have been intensified.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
第四部分:轉化學習 (經由背包客的經驗,我認為...)
The fourth part: Transformative learning experiences (Due to the backpacking experiences, I realized...)
4-1 背包客的經驗改變了我的生活。 *
4-1 The backpacking experiences changed my life.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-2 在背包旅行的過程中,我改變了先前的態度與想法。 *
4-2 During the backpack travelling, I changed my own previous attitudes and opinions.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-3 背包客的經驗提供我機會去質疑自己一貫的行為模式。 *
4-3 The backpacking experiences gave me the opportunity to question the way I normally act.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-4 背包客的經驗提供我機會去思考自己的社會角色。 *
4-4 The backpacking experiences gave me the opportunity to think about my own role in society.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-5 在背包旅行的過程中,我曾對自己過往的信念或角色期望產生懷疑。 *
4-5 During the backpack travelling, I have doubts about my own beliefs from the past or the role expectations.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-6 我在旅程中,發現其他背包客受其旅行經驗而改變。 *
4-6 During the backpack travelling, I found other backpackers have experienced changes from their backpacking experiences.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-7 在背包旅行的過程中,我發現其他背包客也會質疑他們自身的信念及想法。 *
4-7 During the backpack travelling, I realized that other backpackers also questioned their beliefs and opinions.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-8 在背包旅行的過程中,我曾對於傳統的社會期望感到不自在。 *
4-8 During the backpack travelling, I felt uncomfortable with traditional social expectations.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-9 在背包旅行的過程中,我會考慮用不同角度去思考。 *
4-9 During the backpack travelling, I considered using different angles to think.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-10 在背包旅行的過程中,我會思考做些不同的行為。 *
4-10 During the backpack travelling, I thought about acting differently.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-11 在背包旅行的過程中,我曾想過以不同於自己以往的方式去行動。 *
4-11 During the backpack travelling, I thought about acting in a different way from my usual beliefs and roles.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-12 在背包旅行的過程中,我會嘗試扮演不同於自己過往的新角色,讓自己更自在。 *
4-12 During the backpack travelling, I tried out new roles so that I would become more comfortable.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-13 在背包旅行的過程中,我依舊維持過去的行為,並沒有改變。 *
4-13 During the backpack travelling, I considered acting as I used to be.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-14 經歷背包旅行的體驗後,我的想法有所不同。 *
4-14 After the backpacking experiences, now I think differently.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-15 經歷背包旅行的體驗後,我的行為有所不同。 *
4-15 After the backpacking experiences, now I act differently.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-16 背包客的經驗幫助我更瞭解自己。 *
4-16 The backpacking experiences helped me to understand myself more.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-17 背包客的經驗幫助我更瞭解他人。 *
4-17 The backpacking experiences helped me to understand others.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-18 背包客的經驗幫助我成為更好的家庭成員。 *
4-18 The backpacking experiences helped me to be a better family member.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-19 背包客的經驗幫助我更清楚自己的人生目標。 *
4-19 The backpacking experiences helped me to clarify my goals in life.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-20 背包客的經驗影響了我對人生的選擇與決定。 *
4-20 The backpacking experiences influenced my choices and decisions in my life.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-21 背包客的經驗影響了我的金錢觀。 *
4-21 The backpacking experiences influenced my attitude towards money.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-22 背包客的經驗影響了我的工作觀。 *
4-22 The backpacking experiences influenced my attitude towards work.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-23 背包客的經驗影響了我的世界觀。 *
4-23 The backpacking experiences influenced my worldview.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-24 背包客的經驗會對我的未來帶來改變。 *
4-24 The backpacking experiences will have impact towards my future.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-25 背包客的經驗幫助我對社會有所貢獻。 *
4-25 The backpacking experiences will help me contribute to the society.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-26 背包客的經驗使我的未來有更多選擇。 *
4-26 The backpacking experiences will make me have more options in my future.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
4-27 背包客的經驗讓我變得更有潛力。 *
4-27 The backpacking experiences will make me have more potential.
完全不同意 (Totally disagree)
完全同意 (Totally agree)
The fifth part: Personal background
5-1 性別 *
5-1 Gender
5-2 出生年份 (西元年) *
5-2 Year of birth (A.D.)
5-3 國籍 *
5-3 Nationality
5-4 婚姻狀況 *
5-4 Marital status
5-5 教育程度 *
5-5 Education level
5-6 背包旅行次數 *
5-6 Number of backpacking experience
5-7 背包旅行的年資 *
5-7 Years of backpacking travels
5-8 背包旅行的最長天數 *
5-8 The longest period of backpacking trip
5-9 背包旅行平均天數 *
5-9 Average length of backpacking trip
5-10 購買旅遊產品的途徑 (可複選) *
5-10 Method of booking and purchasing travel product. (YOU CAN SELECT MORE THAN ONE ANSWER)
問卷已填答完成,謝謝您的協助!This questionnaire is done. Thanks for your help.
如果您對本研究有任何建議或疑問,歡迎與我聯絡 (grace520sun@hotmail.com)。
Please feel free to contact me at grace520sun@hotmail.com if you have any questions or comment regarding to this survey.
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