O' Capsule Special Organic Classes Inquiry Form
Faculty: Soumyakant Patnaik (Graduate from IIT Kharagpur with 11+ years of coaching experience)
Profile: Ex-Bansal Classes, Super 30, Pie, Allen Mumbai and many more in Delhi, Rajsthan and MP

Course Details: 6 Months course covering whole of Organic Chemistry including mock tests (for JEE Mains, Advanced and Medical Entrance Examinations)
Start Date: 25.07.2018
End Date: 25.01.2018

Location: Patia (DLF Cybercity with well furnished AC classroom)
Course Fee: 18,000/-

For the first time in Odisha. Only interested candidates fill up the form.
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You will no more fear, but love Organic Chemistry.
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Preferred Batch Timing
Choose the timing that suits you well
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Preparing for
Why do you want to do this course?
Remember, you don't have to remember and rather understand Organic Chemistry
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