Abington Youth Soccer - Spring Travel Season Survey
We would love to hear your feedback! Your opinion helps us to shape a program your players will enjoy!

Thank you for your participation.

* Feedback is anonymous.
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On a scale from 1 to 10, what was your OVERALL satisfaction with the program? *
(10 being highest)
What age group did your player belong to? *
Check all that apply.
Were you satisfied overall with your AYS volunteer coach? Would you want this coach again? *
Were you satisified with UK Elite coaches?
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If your child was NOT able to attend, please let us know why.
Is the communication from AYS timely and informative?
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Were you satisfied with Team Snap? *
Did your AYS volunteer coach communicate in a timely manner? *
Was your AYS volunteer coach organized and on time? *
Was your player able to attend most of the UK Elite age group practices?
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Help us improve! Any suggestions?
Thank you for your participation!
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