Music, Memory and Emotions: The soundtrack of your life
Thanks for your cooperation with this study. We would like to know some basic facts and recollections about your musical life. It should not take more than 5 minutes to answer to the questions. Most of them can be left empty in case you cannot find an answer for them.
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Country of birth
Birth date *
Your first record
Which was the first recording (vinyl, cassette, CD, digital track(s), etc..) you bought for you with your own money?
Please, write the title, artist(s) and year of the purchase (if you can remember it)
In case you have never bought any music track, CD or playable item in your life, please use the tick boxes below to give us more information.
Use the tick boxes to provide information about the reasons for not providing the requested information
Title of the recording
Year when you got the item
You can skip this one if you cannot remember
Your life soundtrack songs
List five songs or musical pieces that belong to the soundtrack of your life (if you remember the artist, singer or composer write it too; if you remember the year they became part of your life music soundtrack write it too, even if it is just an approximation)
Song 1  ------------
Title 1
Artist 1
Year 1
Song 2  ------------
Title 2
Artist 2
Year 2
Song 3  ------------
Title 3
Artist 3
Year 3
Song 4  ------------
Title 4
Artist 4
Year 4
Song 5  ------------
Title 5
Artist 5
Year 5
Music and You
Importance of Music *
Please select the sentence that more closely represents the significance or importance of music in your life
Comments, feedback, clarifications...
Feedback or additional comments
Please, if you want to comment or clarify something or want to give us suggestions about the survey, use the following text window.
That's all folks!
Thanks for your collaboration. Please submit your answers before leaving this page.
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