Interviews for AVID at SLHS: 2015-16
Please complete this form if you would like to be interviewed for the 2015-16 AVID cohort at SLHS. Thank you for being AVID for college and career success! We still want your paper applications whenever we get back to school from Snowmageddon 2015. This form will allow us to do phone interviews if school is cancelled this week.  Do not worry about missing deadlines--we won't let snow or any other obstacle prevent good applicants from joining our AVID family at SLHS! If you have any concerns, please email Mrs. Perkins at
İlerleme durumunu kaydetmek için Google'da oturum açın Daha fazla bilgi
First Name *
Last Name *
ACADEMICS: If your GPA is below 2.5, you do not qualify for AVID this year.  Get those grades up and try again next year! *
Are you mostly...
Current Grade *
Current School *
Parent Name *
Best Phone Number *
Give the best number to call you for your interview!
Best Email Address *
Give the best email address for news on AVID.
Best Reference *
Choose one adult we can contact as a reference.  Give us their name, where they work, and either a phone number or email for them.
Writing Sample *
Please answer these questions thoroughly: What makes you want to be a part of AVID? What obstacles do you face when it comes to school and in life? What are you willing to do to overcome any difficulties? What are your plans for the future?
In AVID you will be expected to study more and take Honors/AP/College classes. Are you willing to do extra work to assure your success? *
You are also required to maintain good citizenship, be a leader, have fun, and be present at school every day. So, the real question is: are you AVID?
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