Networking 101: International Youth Networking Academy
Deadline for filling in the application form: 16th of May 2016. Applicants will receive decisions on May 17th 2016
Name and Surname *
Contact e-mail *
Country of origin *
City of origin *
Contact phone *
please add country code. E.g for Macedonia +389 XX XXX XXX
Name of High School *
Date of birth *
Grade level *
Which seminar would you like to attend the most? *
Which seminar is your second choice? *
Briefly elaborate, in order of importance, on your fields of interests and activities that you had during the last two years. Mention any leadership or organizational roles that you were responsible for or awards that you have won. *
Try to limit your response to at most 3 interests and 3 activities. Remember: we value quality and perseverance rather than quantity.
Answer only one of the following questions: 1. "Why are you applying to Networking 101?" 2. "Why did you choose the seminar that you want to attend?" *
250 word limit
Share either a (1) cool idea or thought that you had recently or (2) an experience where you have motivated or inspired others to engage in solving personal, local, or global issues. *
No word count specified. Write as much or as little you feel is necessary
Would you be interested to organize a workshop in the academy? If yes, what would it be about?
*This is not necessary in order to participate at the academy, but it will be much appreciated. Please be as descriptive as possible with your proposal
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