Errorspace Feedback and Suggestions!
Let me hear your feedback and suggestions for Errorspace Comics! I listed games that I currently have on Steam, but I'm open to considering other games you suggest. If there's enough interest in a game I don't have, I'll get it and review it :)

Let me know if you want me to do comic reviews of movies, tv shows, what have you. I personally haven't seen a lot of the classics that people "should" have seen (is that like a first generation problem or just me having a weird childhood?). I mainly focus on games because I haven't really played much games and Nick is a gamer, so that kind of influenced me to delve into games.

I did get some feedback in terms of explaining some of my comics for those who haven't experienced the game, so I will try to accommodate that for future comics. I'd love to hear what you peeps submit for this!
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