Mini Golf Volunteer Form
Thank you for volunteering to help run our Minigolf Kiosk!

This is a great opportunity to contribute to FIGMENT. Please only sign up for shifts you are able to attend. We rely on our wonderful volunteers to help us run the course throughout the summer. Please e-mail us with any questions at

You will be receiving an e-mail with further instructions about opening/closing procedures before your scheduled shift.

Please note, if you are a summer long artist, you are required to choose 2 full weekend days (10 -6pm) from the schedule.

Thank you!
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Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Are you a FIGMENT Summer Long Artist? *
What is the name of your Summer Long Project?
When are you able to volunteer? *
Choose a date(s) from the list below: Please make sure only to sign up for shifts you are able to attend
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