任何针对性别或跟性有关的的心理或身体上的暴力行为。其中包括性虐待,性侵犯,强奸,乱伦,儿童性侵犯,纠纷产生时的强奸等。 性暴力还指性骚扰,尾随,不正当的暴漏,性贬低,偷窥,网络性骚扰,各种性交易与贩卖等

(Hi! This is a survey that aims to collect information on how U of T students feel on campus and how access support services. All responses are anonymous. You may indicate that you prefer not to answer, or simply skip any of the below questions.

Thrive uses the definition of sexual violence found in Developing a Response to Sexual Violence: A Resource Guide For Ontario’s Colleges and Universities, which in turn pulls from Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives: Ontario’s Sexual Violence Action Plan.  Sexual Violence is:

“any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality. This includes sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape, incest, childhood sexual abuse and rape during armed conflict. It also includes sexual harassment, stalking, indecent or sexualized exposure, degrading sexual imagery, voyeurism, cyber harassment, trafficking and sexual exploitation.”)

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 您的性别倾向是?(What is your gender identity?)
"cisgender” 指一般出生时的性别倾向,心理性别与身体性别一致。("Cisgender" means that you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth.) “Transgender“ 是指生理性别和心理性别不一致的跨性别者,俗称变形者。
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您的种族是?(What is your racial identity?)
如您不愿回答可跳过此问题 (If not comfortable disclosing, please put “Prefer not to say” or leave blank)
您的性倾向是?(What is your sexual identity?)
性倾向专指对异性或同性在性方面的倾向。比如异性恋,同性恋,双性恋等。如您不愿回答可跳过此问题。(In this case, sexual identity is how one thinks of oneself in terms of whom one is romantically or sexually attracted to. If not comfortable disclosing, please put “Prefer not to say” or leave blank.)
您最擅长的语言是?(What language do you find easiest to communicate in?)
请在 “Other” 一栏填写您最擅长的语言。如有多种语言,请依次列出。(Please write which language(s) you prefer to speak in the box marked "Other" below. If multilingual, please feel free to list multiple languages in the box marked "Other".)
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您是几年级的大学生?(What is your year of study?)
您是国际还是本地学生?(Are you an international or domestic student?)
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您怎样到达校园?Are you a commuter student?
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