Lactation Program Review Form
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Name *
Email Address *
This review will be posted publicly on Galactablog. Would you like to be listed as anonymous? *
If not anonymous, how would you like your name to appear in the review? Please mention credentials to be added as well.
Name of Lactation Training Program *
Year(s) Enrolled *
How long did it take you to complete the program? *
Name of Instructor(s) if applicable
Certification or Certificate Offered (if applicable)
Delivery of Program *
Books & Materials Required
Cost of Program (Including books, materials, application fees, etc.) *
# of L-CERPs, Nursing Contact Hours, CEUs, CPEs, etc. offered
Do this program's hours meet partial or full requirements for the IBCLC exam's lactation specific training requirement? *
If yes, how many hours of lactation specific training are counted towards the 90 hour lactation education component for the IBCLC exam?
Does this particular lactation training program and/or credential require you to recertify? *
If yes, how long is your credential good for and what is required to recertify?
What did you like about the program? *
What did you dislike about the program? *
What would you change about the program? *
How rigorous/time consuming did you find the program? *
ie. Would it be difficult to balance with a full-time job and/or with a family?
Did you feel this particular program used current, evidence-based resources and training materials? *
Do you feel the program was clear in the scope of practice in which you're allowed to practice? *
Was there clear delineation between this program's scope of practice and that of an IBCLC? *
Did the program discuss when and how to refer to an IBCLC if necessary? *
Would you recommend this program to others? *
Knowing what you know now, would you take this program again? If not, what program would you have liked to have taken instead? Feel free to expand on your answer. *
Do you feel the course and/or certification helped you obtain your goals?   *
Are you currently working in the lactation field? If yes, feel free to expand on your position. If no, feel free to describe what type of work  you're doing, if you'd like to be in the lactation field and what you feel are the barriers stopping you.
Are you currently an IBCLC? If yes, what year did you take the IBLCE exam? What pathway did you use to qualify for the IBLCE exam? *
Any additional comments you'd like to add? Please do so here.
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