Denotation & Connotation Quiz
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Complete the Multiple Choice Questions below:
Use the Flocabulary video from the lesson to help you, if you get stuck.
Words that have the same denotation are called ________. *
When you look up a word in the dictionary, you find its ________. *
What is the term for the emotions that a word stirs in a reader? *
You look up synonyms for minimal. Which word do you see? *
Read the sentence below. The word tranquil has a ________ connotation. "The baby looked tranquil as he slept." *
Read the sentence below. The word dinky has a ________ connotation.  "My mom only let me eat a dinky scoop of ice cream." *
Read the sentence below. What is the denotation of the word superior?  "My old computer kept running out of batteries. My new one is superior." *
Read the sentence below. What is the denotation of the word superior?  "My old computer kept running out of batteries. My new one is superior." *
Read the sentences:  A. Sam was mortified when he was called to come up onstage during the assembly.  B. Sam was embarrassed when he was called to come up onstage during the assembly.   What is the difference between the words mortified and embarrassed?   *
Read the sentences. What is the difference between the words surprised and astounded?  A. Julie was surprised to find out that her grandma was coming for a visit.  B. Julie was astounded to find out that her grandma was coming for a visit. *
The denotation is the ________ meaning of a word. *
Choose the right word:
Each of the following sentences contain two words that are similar in denotation (literal meaning) but are different in connotation (emotional meaning). Use the context clues in the sentences below to choose the word that fi�ts best.
William wanted to be honest but still impress his girlfriend. Therefore, he told her that the fancy necklace he gave her was ____________. (inexpensive/cheap) *
Ollie ___________ (appreciates/adores) science so much that he can talk about it for hours and hours. *
Shayla thought her best friend’s cat had lost too much weight. Hoping not to be too negative, Shayla told her that the cat looked ______________ (skinny/gaunt). *
Martin can talk his friends into doing or believing just about anything. Some parents are worried that Martin is _______________ (brainwashing/infl�uencing) them. *
Teddy entered every fencing match thinking he could win but never bragged. Therefore,his teammates saw him as a __________ (confi�dent/cocky) competitor. *
The sight of green beans make Ava gag. She __________ (dislikes/loathes) them. *
Afraid his teacher would scold him in front of the class, Horace made sure he only___________ (snickered/roared) at his lab partner’s joke. *
The ad described the house as small and cozy. But when the Davenports pulled into the driveway, they were disappointed at the ____________ (residence/shack) which stood before them. *
Our annoying neighbors watch every move we make. They’re just so ___________.(curious/nosy) *
Since dying my hair pink and wearing mismatched converse sneakers, my pesky little brother says I’m ____________ (unique/strange). *
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