Trial Class
Trial Class Registration
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Correo *
Child's Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Parent's Name *
Contact Number *
Class *
1) I hereby agree to keep staff, management, servants and organisers of classes fully indemnified against all claims, loss or damage whatsoever in respect of death, injury, accidents and/or disability arising from any cause in connection with the class or my participation and my child's participation therein. 2) The staff, management, servants and organisers of  classes can contact me through phone and/or email when necessary.3) I am aware that photographs/ footages taken during class may contain my child's and/or my image and that these photographs/ footages may be used on publicity material by the StageArts team.                                                                             *
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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