Unit 9 Project Process Day
Complete this form while looking through the projects your peers created for this assignment. You will need to review three projects that have the same (or similar) topic or program as your own project. You will also need to review three that are not similar.
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Select your Biology teacher. *
Обязательный вопрос
Select your Biology class. *
Обязательный вопрос
Type your name below (Last Name, First Name). *
Ex: Rudd, Paul
What was the topic of YOUR project? *
Review of Similar Project 1
Find a project with the same (or similar) topic or program as your own. Read through the project and answer the review / reflection questions below.
Who created this project? *
What was their topic? *
Rate their project's quality. *
Visual appeal and completeness.
High Quality
What was the best thing about this project? *
How could this project be improved? *
How did this project compare to your own? Would you change anything about your project after reviewing this one? *
Review of Similar Project 2
Find another project with the same (or similar) topic or program as your own. Read through the project and answer the review / reflection questions below.
Who created this project? *
What was their topic? *
Rate their project's quality. *
Visual appeal and completeness.
High Quality
What was the best thing about this project? *
How could this project be improved? *
How did this project compare to your own? Would you change anything about your project after reviewing this one? *
Review of Similar Project 3
Find one more project with the same (or similar) topic or program as your own. Read through the project and answer the review / reflection questions below.
Who created this project? *
What was their topic? *
Rate their project's quality. *
Visual appeal and completeness.
High Quality
What was the best thing about this project? *
How could this project be improved? *
How did this project compare to your own? Would you change anything about your project after reviewing this one? *
Review of Different Project 1
Find one more project with a different (or dissimilar) topic or program as your own. Read through the project and answer the review / reflection questions below.
Who created this project? *
What was their topic? *
Rate their project's quality. *
Visual appeal and completeness.
High Quality
What was the best thing about this project? *
How could this project be improved? *
How did this project compare to your own? Would you change anything about your project after reviewing this one? *
Review of Different Project 2
Find one more project with a different (or dissimilar) topic or program as your own. Read through the project and answer the review / reflection questions below.
Who created this project? *
What was their topic? *
Rate their project's quality. *
Visual appeal and completeness.
High Quality
What was the best thing about this project? *
How could this project be improved? *
How did this project compare to your own? Would you change anything about your project after reviewing this one? *
Review of Different Project 3
Find one more project with a different (or dissimilar) topic or program as your own. Read through the project and answer the review / reflection questions below.
Who created this project? *
What was their topic? *
Rate their project's quality. *
Visual appeal and completeness.
High Quality
What was the best thing about this project? *
How could this project be improved? *
How did this project compare to your own? Would you change anything about your project after reviewing this one? *
After having completed your own project and reviewing several others, please answer the following questions, then submit your Google Form.
We will be doing this project next year. What suggestions do you have for us? Please explain.
Examples: "Complete the project earlier in the year, because..."  "Do not allow partners, because..."
Thank you for completing this form. Good luck on finals!
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