Wyoming Outdoor Council 50th Anniversary Celebration & Citizen Advocacy Summit
Thank you for joining us in Lander to celebrate our 50th Anniversary! Please help us improve future events by sharing your thoughts.
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How satisfied were you with this event? *
Somewhat dissatisfied
Neutral or N/A
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
Friday night community concert with Low Water String Band and Jalan Crossland
Friday night "old timers" gathering, if attended
Quality of meals
Variety of Citizen Advocacy Summit panels
Overall quality of Citizen Advocacy Summit panels
Keynote speaker Gina McCarthy
Location (Lander Community Center)
What were some of the highlights of the weekend?
What advice would you give to improve future Outdoor Council events?
What is your relationship with the Wyoming Outdoor Council? *
How likely are you to attend another Outdoor Council event? *
Very likely
What kind of events would you like to see from the Outdoor Council in the future?
Interested in becoming more involved with the Wyoming Outdoor Council? Share your e-mail address below!
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