Call for Proposals
The conference committee welcomes you to submit a proposal to present for the 2nd Annual National Summit on Collegiate Financial Wellness.

The committee invites proposals that:

        - Present innovative ideas that progress the financial wellness conversation

        - Deliver best practices using approaches for different types of learners

        - Provide established or emerging research in the field

Proposals may fall into the following topic areas that have been identified (please note that this is not an all-encompassing list):

        - The outcome and/or metrics associated with financial wellness programs. This may include assessment, goals, ties to the institutional mission/strategic plan, creating campus buy in amongst other areas.

        - How we create sustainability in financial wellness programs. This may include fundraising, budgeting, staffing and organizational alignment amongst other things.

        - How we develop effective content delivery in financial wellness programs.  What are promising practices (and evidence based practices) as it relates to financial education delivery for college students?

Proposals are due no later than March 13, 2015 (11:59 PM EST). Individuals will be notified of their status as of March 27th, 2015.
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Lead Presenter Name *
Lead Presenter E-mail Address *
Lead Presenter Institution *
Lead Presenter Position Title
Additional Presenter Names and Institutions
i.e. John Smith (ABC University)
Title of Session (Maximum of 100 characters) *
Identifies potential target audiences, introduces and captivates the reader
Type of Session *
Please select one that is most relevant to your presentation
Session Overview (Maximum of 500 characters) *
This description will be used for program booklets (and will be printed as typed)
Additional Details About Session *
Please include: Format/outline of session and any research supporting the session
Relevance (Maximum of 1000 characters) *
Please include: Relevance to conference attendees and session takeaways
Targeted Institution Type *
Check all that apply
Targeted Program Level *
Check all that apply
Learning Outcomes *
Please list 3 - 5 learning outcomes for your session
Special Requests *
Please include any A/V, projector, and supply requests here. Wifi access will be provided.  We do ask that you bring your own laptop.  Please note that we will do what we can to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee to meet every request.
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