A Place for the Displaced: finding home and health for refugees
The Geisel School of Medicine chapter of Physicians for Human Rights, Nathan Smith Society and the Dartmouth Coalition for Global Health present a symposium on refugee health. Our aim is to generate a discussion on the current crisis abroad and unpack the legal, logistical, and health-related implications of mass migration.

The symposium will follow a similar journey taken by many in recent years. We will kick off the event with accounts from the field as told by photographer James Nachtwey followed by a free documentary screening. Discussions will continue the following day centering on current health efforts in refugee camps abroad—with a conference video to the Syrian border—health for refugees in the U.S., sociological aspects of trauma and the legacies of war on survivors, and the process of becoming a refugee or asylum seeker in the U.S. There will be opportunity for hands-on learning as we tackle a case study and come up with multi-disciplinary solutions to pressing problems faced by our current world.

It is our hope that the symposium will inspire understanding of root causes for displacement and migration, and encourage Dartmouth students and community members in the Upper Valley to come together and work towards creating an environment that is both welcoming and empowering to refugees.

For complete programming details, visit our website: http://aplaceforthedisplaced.wordpress.com 


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Opening Reception with Light Refreshments
(6-6:30pm) Hinman Forum, Rockefeller Center
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Welcome Breakfast with Becky Field's "Different Roots, Common Dreams"
(8:30 - 9am) Saturday, January 30 -- Russo Gallery, Haldeman Center
James Nachtwey, "Journey of Loss and Hope"
(6:30-8pm) Friday, January 29 -- Silsby 028
Free Public Film Screening of "Salam Neighbor"
(8-9:15pm) Friday, January 29 -- Silsby 028
Morning Sessions
(9-11am) Saturday, January 30 -- Kemeny 008
Case Study and Lunch
(11am-12:40pm) Saturday, January 30 -- Haldeman Center Rooms
Afternoon Sessions
(12:40-4:30pm) Saturday, January 30 -- Haldeman Center Rooms & Kemeny 008
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