Dear mompreneur, please tell me a bit about your situation
Thank you so much!
Jutta Dobler

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What's your age? *
How many kids do you have, and how old are they? *
Are you a single mom? *
What kind of business do you have (or want to build)? *
I know that being a mom and doing or wanting to do your own thing can be very challenging.
What is most difficult for you on a practical level? Please be as specific as possible *
And what's most difficult for you on an emotional level? Again, please be specific. Thank you *
What is missing in your life? *
How difficult are the following areas for you?
Knowing what it is you would love to do *
I don't know
I know exactly
Knowing how to get started with building a business *
I don't know what to do
I do know what to do
Knowing your niche/target market *
Very unclear
Very clear
Making consistent money *
Very difficult
Finding enough clients *
Managing your time *
Believing in yourself *
I don't believe in myself
I do believe in myself
Feeling guilty when you work on your business *
Yes I do feel guilty
No I don't
Staying focused *
Very difficult
Very easy
Motivating yourself every day *
Very difficult
Very easy
Knowing what to tackle next *
Very difficult
Very easy
What form of support would you most like to have? *
Thank you so much for helping me with this!
Would you like to get free access to my 12-part video series on Simplifying Your Life?
If yes, please leave your name and email so that I can send you the link.

Here is some feedback I got from moms who watched the series:
Your name
Your email address
Please pass this survey on to other mompreneurs you know!
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