Keep your hand looking young

hands young
hands young

For beauty, we take more time on our faces and sometimes forget to take care of the hands. The hands comes the second place after the eyes during aging. On a daily basis our hands get exposed to extreme temperatures in the sun and while cooking you get a lot of wear and tear from touching water and doing household cores. This is the time you find ways to keep your hands looking young. The skin on the back of your hands is much thinner than the one on face. Following are helpful tips on how to keep your hardest working parts smooth, soft and youthful as years come and go.

1. Protect your hands from the sun
Use sun screen always when going outdoors to prevent spots, skin cancer and lines. A hand screen with SPF of at least 15, kills it all. The suns Ultra violet rays tend to break down easting and collagen in the skin which promotes wrinkles and ageing.

2. Exfoliate
A scrub of olive oil and sugar on rough skin is one of the ways to keep your hands looking young. Olive oil is a source of fatty acids while sugar exfoliates rough patches. This scrub gets rid of dead skin and brightens your hands.

3. Give your hands a protection during gel manicures
Gel manicures leave your nails looking flawless for at most two weeks. However the ultra violet light used to dry gel nails, will extremely dry on the hands. Find ways to keep your hands looking young for frequent gel application can lead to extreme dryness thereby ageing the hands. Use gloves with the finger tips snipped off during UV nails sessions to protect your hands.

4. Keep off harsh soaps
Prefer A remedy of natural soaps to wash your hands instead of fragrance soaps which dry out your hands. Remember your hands too deserve the care that you give to other body pats. Pampering your hands by moisturizing them and protecting them should be sought while seeking for ways to keep your hands looking young.

5. Wear gloves
In cold weather, cold air can deplete the hands of moisture. Therefore gloves protect the hands as they strip away natural moisture.

6. Manicures help to Pamper your hands and nourish your nails
While keeping your hands neat and clean have regular manicures but take once in a while from applying nail polish. Take care of your nails by not biting them or using them as tools. Hand massage given during manicure increases blood floor to the skin thereby tightening it.

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