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2013.03.22 北市教大幼教系Catherine Compton-Lilly專題講座



演講主題:Listening to Students: Providing, Making, Taking, and Giving Time in Classrooms

主講人:Catherine Compton-Lilly(美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區課程與教學系副教授)
  Catherine Compton-Lilly is an Associate Professor in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin Madison. She was an elementary school teacher for 18 years. She is the author of Reading Families: The Literate Lives of Urban Children (Teachers College Press, 2003), Confronting Racism, Poverty and Power (Heinemann, 2004), Rereading Families (Teachers College Press, 2007), the editor of Breaking the Silence (International Reading Association, 2009), and co-editor of Bedtime Stories and Book Reports: Complexities, Concerns, and Considerations in Fostering Parent Involvement and Family Literacy (Teachers College Press, 2010). Dr. Compton-Lilly has authored articles in the Reading Research Quarterly, Research in the Teaching of English, The Reading Teacher, The Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, The Reading Teacher, and Language Arts. Dr. Compton-Lilly engages in longitudinal research projects that last over long periods of time. In her most recent study, she followed a group of eight inner-city students from grade one through grade 11. Her interests include examining how time operates as a contextual factor in children’s lives as they progress through school and construct their identities as students and readers.


08:30~08:50 報到  08:50~09:00 開幕致詞
09:00~10:20 第一階段演講  10:20~10:40 休息  10:40~12:00 第二階段演講




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