Mobile campaigns

In-app conversion tracking with Floodlight

You can track mobile in-app conversions in Display & Video 360 by using Floodlight tags.

How in-app conversion tracking works

In-app conversion tracking works by using advertising device IDs (IDFA on iOS and Advertising ID on Android) to uniquely identify a mobile user.

Track in-app conversions

Your advertiser will need to create and configure their mobile Floodlight activities. The process for creating a mobile Floodlight activity is similar to that of creating a regular Floodlight activity, with a few minor changes.

Directions if my advertiser uses Google Tag Manager (GTM)
  1. If you haven't already, sign up for Google Tag Manager (GTM), then create one GTM container for each app your advertiser has.
  2. Link your GTM containers to your advertiser's tags.
  3. Have your app developers deploy your GTM containers to your advertiser's app.
Directions if my advertiser doesn't use GTM

Although using GTM is not required to do in-app conversion tracking or remarketing, it does makes things easier down the road.

If your advertiser chooses to not use GTM, they can call a Floodlight URL directly with a GET request with their own application or server-side code.

Be sure that the necessary values are passed to key-values at serve time, particularly the required dc_rdid= value. Also, make sure that the HTTP header user agent is the same as that of the app where the conversion activity took place and that dc_rdid=is passed over SSL. This is especially important when making server-to-server calls to Floodlight.

Once you've deployed your tags, create line items that target mobile inventory and use your tags to track conversions.

Remarket based on in-app conversions

Once Floodlight activities (or GTM containers which load Floodlight activities) have been deployed into your advertiser's app, you can use the Floodlight activity associated with specific in-app activities for remarketing in other apps.

Would mobile in-app remarketing be useful for you?

Some examples of uses for mobile in-app remarketing include:

  • If your advertiser has a travel loyalty program, you could create a list of silver-tier members, and then run an in-app remarketing campaign to promote a luxury resort deal.
  • If your advertiser is a stock brokerage, and you wanted to target active app users (executed 10 or more trades in last 30 days), you could use mobile Floodlight activities to promote a premium-level mutual fund.

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