• The easiest way to remove the undesired hair.

    The easiest  way to remove the undesired hair

             It is known that, bulbs exist everywhere in the human body except palms and soles and has two types

       Black and thick bulbs
       Lint bulbs

    By reaching adulthood lint bulbs begin to spontaneously convert into black and thick bulbs at some definite parts of the body. This happens as a result of the effect of hormones specially virile hormone (Androgene) Which always multiply at this age specially for boys. For girls it also multiply but with different rate from one girl to another. As the body of a hairy girl contain large percentage of virile hormone (Androgene), but the body of a smooth girl contain a small percentage of this hormone. In all cases this problem remains the most important one that women and men suffer from it alike. So in this article we are going to talk about the easiest way to remove this hair

    Just know , The easiest  way to remove the undesired hair.

    Removal of face hair

    : There are two easy ways to remove face hair 

       Using olive oil
    You will need these components: grated olive oil soap, rough salt and a little amount of rose water
    Mix all these components together until they look like a cream, put it on your face, wait for an hour or two and your hair will be removed spontaneously

       Using honey

    Take one spoon of honey, put it on your face until it is totally covered for 15 minutes, then take a spoon of flour and also put it on your face, then start rubbing with a slow motion for 5 minutes, then leave the mixture for another 5 minutes without rubbing and wash your face and the hair will be completely removed

    Removal of the hair in sensitive regions

    There are several easy ways to remove the hair of sensitive regions it is experimentally tested and safe, these ways are

            In case we use a dough of sugar and sweet we should add white wax just a little amount (at the size of a gram grain) , and after removing hair we should directly coat the place with olive oil soap then splatter the place with rough salt after that we rub down the desired place from down to up for 15 minutes. Wash the place, repeat the process until the hair disappear completely with time

             We add green bean to sweet for hair removal by crushing one capsule of green bean then rub down the desired place

             By using the gum of a grape tree ( exist on branches) , crush the gum , mix it with olive oil , then rub over the sensitive region after removing hair with sweet

    Ways to stop hair growth

        To stop hair growth we should soak the gram for 6 hours then take the water (just water), put it on the fridge. After removing hair we coat hands and legs with this water and everywhere we want to remove hair from it permanently. Keep doing this process everyday for three weeks , you will note there is no more hair growth in these places

    Using saed plant

    By using the crushed plant and adding 1 liter of water then boil it well then use it on your body as a daily washer (after removing hair ) for 6 days from every month. This is enough to remove hair permanently

    Using olive oil

    By greasing the body with olive oil, This will delay hair growth even if it grows again it will be thin not thick as it was before
    Just know , The easiest  way to remove the undesired hair.

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