Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXIX, Number 187, 6 April 1902 — TRY TO DBIVE OUT NEGROES Whitecaps' Demonstration at Beaumont Threatening: Notices Posted on Spindlfttop Hill Sheriff Take* Measures to See That the Colored Laborers Are Xot Interfered With—Strike at Jeroaie la Settled and Nea Agree to Return to Work on Monday [ARTICLE]

TRY TO DBIVE OUT NEGROES Whitecaps' Demonstration at Beaumont Threatening: Notices Posted on Spindlfttop Hill Sheriff Take* Measures to See That the Colored Laborers Are Xot Interfered With—Strike at Jeroaie la Settled and Nea Agree to Return to Work on Monday

(Special Dispatch to The Herald.) BEAUMONT. Tex., April 6.-So-called whitecaps made an attempt today to drive all the negroes from Spindletop hill. A notice was posted on the property of the Forward Reduction company ordering that all negroes must "git off the hill at once, or they will be drove off, by order of the whitecaps." The notice, which was lettered rudely on a board, which had then been attached to a stake, which was stuck in the ground, was taken to the Beaumont officers of ths company and then the sheriff notified. lie sent a deputy to the hill with instructions to see that the negroes were not interfered with, and if possible to learn the Identity of the men who posted the whitecap notice and made other threats. The negroes were too badly frightened to Identify any of the white men. and no arrests were made. It Is expected that the whitecaps will make further efforts and take more vigorous steps to drive the negroes away from the hill. In that case it is probable that serious trouble will result.