
Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone with 10,000 text messages before meeting with Ted Wells

Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone that he used for four months prior to meeting with independent investigator Ted Wells and more than 10,000 text messages along with it — something he did not disclose until four months after investigators had sought “electronic information” from the quarterback according to a ruling from the NFL upholding his four-game suspension for his role in Deflategate. Brady’s representatives, according to the decision, provided a letter from the quarterback’s cell phone carrier confirming the text messages sent or received from the destroyed cell phone could not be retrieved.

“He did so even though he was aware that investigators had requested access to text messages and other electronic information that had been stored on the phone,” according to the ruling.

Brady also testified at the hearing that it was his practice to destroy (or give his assistant to destroy) SIM cards and his cell phone when he gets a new cell phone.

Read more about the decision at

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