看板 TOEFL_iBT 關於我們 聯絡資訊
同學們最常和ETS連絡的二件事,不外乎「要求修改姓名」和「成績複查」, 經過被許多同學求救的經驗累積,我們決定提供給大家相關的示範文, 同學一旦遇到這二個問題時,即可馬上套用寄出,保證方便省時哦^^ ◥◥█▆▃姓名更改▃▆█◤◤ 其實要去避免更改TOEFL Ibt帳戶名稱,最好的方法當然是第一次就要把自己的名字輸入 正確: http://goo.gl/9cUkGz 如果你在輸入時出錯了,可以適度運用以下的模板信件內文進行編輯, 並郵寄電子信件給ETS: Dear ETS: My full name is…(e.g. Tsung-Ming Wang) and I’m writing to request a name change for my TOEFL iBT account. I took the TOEFL iBT on…(date) and my registration number is…(ETS ID number). Before the test/After the test, I discovered that the order of my name in my TOEFL iBT account is different from my name on my passport. My first name is …(e.g. Tsung-Ming) and my last name is…(e.g. Wang). Please help me to change it to the name in my passport. The following is the requested information for your reference: Name: Address (include country): Date of birth: Email address: (if you are calling) Test date: Registration number: I have also attached a scan of my passport for your reference. Regards, (Name) 同學們可以將信件郵寄至[email protected] ([email protected]) 或是撥打 002-609-7717100 (服務時段: 周一至周五,早上8點~下午7:45 東部時間);有時候,ETS 會要求你將您的護照掃描為電子檔之後以電子信件郵寄或是傳真給他們。 當你撥打電話過去時,按2,4,接下來ETS會直接先詢問你個人的註冊編號以及其他像是 姓名或電郵地址等個人資訊。 紐澤西 (ETS總公司) 的現在時間: http://worldtime.io/current/princeton_nj_usa/14994 免費傳真服務: http://faxzero.com/ 相關聯絡資訊: https://www.ets.org/toefl/contact/taiwan https://toeflrts.ets.org/OnlineRegistration/rts/ContactUs.jsp ◥◥█▆▃成績複查▃▆█◤◤ 如果想要呈交成績複查申請的話,只要填寫以下連結的表格即可: https://www.ets.org/s/toefl/pdf/ibt_score_review_request_form.pdf 若要完成傳真,請撥按: 1-610-290-8972 傳真服務說明: http://faxzero.com/ ETS一旦收到申請,就會郵寄確認信件給你: Please find your Order Receipt for the Order Id 3006**** ---------- PROFILE INFORMATION ---------- Name: … Profile Address: ------------ SERVICE SUMMARY ------------ Order Date: Mar… ----------------------------------------- Subtotal: $80.00 Taxes: $0.00 Total: $80.00 在ETS實際開始受理得分審查表後: http://goo.gl/11T6sj 會再郵寄給你另一封信件做告知審查結果,而審查流程大約會需要3周左右。 ◥◥█▆▃考場的問題▃▆█◤◤ 如果同學們有遭遇到考場的問題 (e.g. 測驗時電腦故障),你可以向ETS請願並要求將該 次考試的相關費用退回。但同學們要注意,這類訴願的申請提交未必每一次都會成功,而 且通常都會需要花費一些時間,所以要花點時間詳細閱讀ETS在這類問題的相關規定: https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/scores/policies/ 同學可以用下方的模板信件內文進行編輯,並郵寄電子信件給ETS: Dear ETS: My name is…(e.g. Tsung-Ming Wang) and I’m writing to report a problem with Test Center STN ****** (test center ID). I took/was supposed to take the TOEFL iBT on…(date) and my registration number is…(ETS ID number). Before my test,/During my test,…(problem). The test administrator…(actions that test administrator took) and told me to…(actions the test administrator told you to take). The administrator’s name is…, and their test center local contact number is 886…(number). Their email is…(email address). This problem caused me to…(effect) and I request a free voucher so I may take the test again. The following is my test information for your reference: ‧ Name ‧ Date of birth ‧ Mailing address ‧ Daytime phone number ‧ Email address ‧ Original test date ‧ TOEFL registration number ‧ A description of the problem Please take action immediately. (Name) ◥◥█▆▃ETS其他資訊▃▆█◤◤ Report cheating: https://forms.ets.org/ets/security/ To verify scores: [email protected] (mailto: [email protected]) or [email protected] (mailto: [email protected]) Score policies: https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/scores/policies/ Request additional score reports: https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/scores/send/ 希望以上資訊可以協助到各位同學,當然大家最好可以不要用到,祝大家考試順利~ -- 哈佛的粉絲團: http://goo.gl/eWud5k 哈佛Family留學考試論壇: http://goo.gl/8rsMpE 學員心得:http://goo.gl/Dpo3rM ; http://goo.gl/luwEN0 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1427107590.A.A81.html ※ 編輯: howardking (, 03/23/2015 18:50:57 ※ 編輯: howardking (, 03/23/2015 18:55:00 ※ 編輯: howardking (, 03/23/2015 23:36:23 ※ 編輯: howardking (, 03/24/2015 14:45:21
ksyilj1283: 推用心一下XD 03/24 20:35
ypwalter: 有用! 03/25 09:06
kobe60204: 推! 03/25 23:12
Sindibad: 好文,感謝大大造福人群 08/08 12:14