Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NSA Q and A

Lets make sense of what has happened in the last 6 years in NZ and why.

Q1. Why has there been a slow ultra-fast broadband roll out around NZ?

Q2. Why was National so fixed on building the $402 million Sky City convention centre?

Q3. Why did Obama give John Key the big photo opportunity with a golf game?


A. The answer to these 3 questions is 

Q4. Why is Speargun so important to the National Party.?
A.    It is not important to National it is only important to John Key and his puppet masters

Q5. What is the purpose of speargun?

A.   Speargun is essential for us to remain compliant with the TPPA, obviously if they can't monitor us they can't manage us.

Q6. From the last answer who are 'they'?
A. Large US corporations, Financial Organisations and US  Lobby groups.

Q7. Why is NZ being targetted for implementing speargun and the TPPA
A.   As a conspiracy theorist I can only speculate that there is a massive bonus for who signs first, thus NZ is in a race to sign. Note the bonus isn't for NZ, but the person who signs it.

Disclaimer: I am a screaming left wing conspiracy theorist.

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