Insurance Auto Auctions and How They Work

Insurance auto auctions sell cars, trucks, bikes and also boats that have been damaged by collision; flooding; theft or fire or been subject to loss in some other way. At an insurance auto auction there might also be vehicles for sale that have been repossessed against defaulted payments. These auctions acquire stock directly from insurance companies in high volume so there is always plenty of choice.
All kinds of buyers take an interest in insurance auto auctions: exporters; dealers; small auto businesses that renovate and re-sale vehicles; and private individuals eager to find a bargain. Buyers qualify to take part in such auctions through licence but access to insurance auto auctions is easy via a registered and authorized online broker holding the relevant licensing.
Vehicles wind up at auction for all kinds of reasons. Fleet leased cars tend to go for auction once they have reached a certain mileage. Many of these vehicles have taken a beating in terms of wear and tear but many others are surprisingly unscathed!
Dealer trade-ins are also found at auction and while some cars, bikes and trucks are in pretty bad shape, others are perfectly suitable for several more years of service. Browsing through the sale lists, the damage on each vehicle is clearly described so that buyers know what they are getting and in what condition. This information also outlines what parts are required to repair and renovate each vehicle; thousands of parts and vehicles that are suitable for parts only are accurately listed.
Some insurance auto auctions will arrange transportation, with a pickup service and towing facilities to save outlay on storage and also ensure you get what you purchased as quickly as possible. An online broker will deal directly with insurance auto auctions and liaise on transportation and inspection services.
Of course the main motive for buying at auction is a reduction in price on the vehicle. Auctions deliver when it comes to getting a lot of car for the lowest possible cash outlay and a discerning buyer who is not interested in renovation or repair can buy a near perfect vehicle, every bit as desirable as anything to be found on a used car lot, for perhaps less than half the cost.
As the auto industry introduces more and more safety procedures, making them standard for inclusion in new vehicles, insurance repair becomes less viable and more vehicles are written off as a loss, even though they are in excellent condition apart from surface scratching or minor dents. These vehicles go to auction to be snapped up by dealers at amazing prices.
Gaining access to insurance auto auctions is a simple process: simply register with an online broker and away you go. Make sure you check out credentials and that the broker is properly registered and authorized to protect your own interests. The broker will then provide comprehensive lists of prospective bargains before expertly guiding you through the buying process safely and efficiently.

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