Coalition for FATA Rights Membership Form
The Coalition for FATA Rights (CFR) welcomes interested and likeminded organisations to join the coalition and support its cause.

To submit your application to become a member of the coalition, please review our mission statement and objectives and then fill out the form below, including an endorsement of the CFR Charter of Action and commitment to the Membership Pledge.
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CFR Mission Statement
The Coalition for FATA Rights was established on November 13, 2013 in Islamabad with a group of active civil society organizations working on FATA reforms and development issues with the goal to promote collaborative efforts to accelerate reforms in FATA for development and progress of the region. The Coalition will be open to further membership by organizations and individuals who share its missions and goals.
CFR Objectives
1. Bring together all actors striving for FATA reforms and to emerge as a collaborative platform for advocacy, awareness and action
2. Promote and encourage political, legal, economic, social and information/communications reforms in FATA
3. Collaborate on strategies and partnerships on bringing FATA and its residents into the mainstream of Pakistan with equal fundamental rights and privileges, as guaranteed by the Constitution of Pakistan
4. Focus on advocating and facilitating enabling processes, practices, mechanisms, tools and techniques to increase pressure for urgent reforms in FATA.
5. Collaboratively engage key stakeholders including local, provincial and federal governments and authorities; civil society; political parties and legislators; and media, among others, on accelerating reforms in FATA
6. Promote partnerships with and within civil society/development sector in articulating demand for reforms in FATA
7. Promote information sharing and its dissemination by civil society organizations and other actors working on reforms in FATA to strengthen demand and supply sides of reforms
8. Promote public dialogue and enhance public profile of FATA reforms in local, regional, national and international media to include local voices in the movement for empowerment of people in Tribal Areas
9. Strengthen capacities and generate resources for the Coalition
CFR Founding Members
1)  Civic Action Resources (CAR)
2)  FATA Lawyer’s Forum (FLF)
3)  FATA Research Centre (FRC)
4)  Institute for Research, Advocacy and Development (IRADA)
5)  Shaheed Bhutto Foundation (SBF)
6)  Sustainable Peace and Development Organization (SPADO)
7)  Tribal NGOs Consortium (TNC)
STEP ONE: Endorse the Charter of Action *
The Coalition for FATA Rights (CFR), on behalf of the residents of FATA who are guaranteed equal rights in the Constitution as in the rest of Pakistan but do not enjoy them in practice, strives for urgent reforms in the Tribal Areas that can provide its residents these rights in both promise and practice, and which can bring the Tribal Areas into the mainstream of Pakistan.
STEP TWO: Agree to the Membership Pledge *
My organization pledges to: 1) endorse and actively work to achieve CFR goals; 2) Share information on actions, developments, and issues; 3) Participate in Coalition actions, activities and contribute to consultations as required; 4) Abide by the CFR Code of Conduct during meetings and events; and 5) Cordially and respectfully exchange views and resolve conflicts.
Organization Information
Organization *
Enter the full name of the organization you represent.
Area/region/province *
Where is your organization headquarters located?
Mailing Address *
Enter the complete mailing address of your organization.
Website Address
Enter the URL of your organization's website, Facebook, and/or Twitter page.
Organization Mission *
What is the mission or main goals of your organization?
FATA-related Work
Although not a requirement, please let us know if your organization is involved in any work related to equal rights for FATA (only if applicable).
Contact Person Information
Contact Person *
Enter the full name of the primary contact for your organization.
Telephone Number (office)
Telephone Number (mobile) *
Email Address *
Enter the email address for the primary contact person for your organization.
Digital Signature *
Enter your full name again to serve as your digital signature, indicating that all responses on this membership form are true and complete.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Coalition for FATA Rights!
Click submit below to send us your membership form. We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your information and discuss next steps for the coalition.
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