3 State-Of-The-Art Techniques Taught In Tree Felling Training in WA

Cut Off Machine Training WA

In the early days, trees were felled using only a notch and a simple back-cutting technique. Things have changed now. Agreed, that it is a very effective method. But, there is no harm in using other techniques that have proved to be useful. Trees can be felled in a much safer way if these techniques are used:

The Crane Removal Technique

If your tree felling training in WA is taking place in an urban area, this technique will definitely be taught to you. This technique is particularly useful in urban areas where it is difficult to fell a tree in one piece because of limited space. The point of this method is to fell a tree piece-by-piece, securing the weight of a large section by the crane before cutting. It helps in reducing property damage to a great extent.

The Felling Aids Technique

Felling aids can be very useful in bringing down trees that keep on standing after a standard notch and back cut. Metal breaking bar is one of the commonly used aids. It utilizes human strength to force the tree in the direction where the notch is. Another common aid is called a “wedge”. If you place it into the back cut, it will prevent the tree from sitting back on the cut. It has another benefit too. If you drive it into the cut using a sledgehammer, you can actually bring the tree down in the accurate direction.

The Bore Cut Technique 

This method involves using a chainsaw to making a cut through the center of the tree trunk just at the right angles to the fall’s direction. It does not affect a portion of the trunk at the backside so as to keep the tree in an upright position. Cutting this portion after completing the notch and back cut will lead to the fall of the tree. As you can guess, this type of safety measure is very important to teach you forestry safety WA in WA.

You should understand the risks associated with tree felling when you sign up for tree felling training in WA. Also, you should always train from a reputable trainer who has years of experience.

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