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From USA Today bestselling author RC Boldt...

He's playing for the heart she's had sidelined for years.

Dating can be a rocky journey. Once the new shine wears off, you may end up with a case of buyer’s remorse.

That’s where I come in. I set the backdrop and coach you through the breakup.

Don't want overblown drama, hard feelings, or a drink tossed in your face? Then I'm your fairy godmother, child.

As an NFL quarterback, endorsement ads and the media pandering after me are all part of the game.

Ivy Hayes is the first woman who doesn't care about my money and the notoriety that goes along with it.

But I'm a long-term guy, and she operates strictly in the now. Which means I need to bring my A-game.

Otherwise, I’ll end up getting ditched.

**Ditched is a sports romance/contemporary romance with a bit of a twist. It is a standalone, full-length novel.**

318 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 3, 2018

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About the author

R.C. Boldt

31 books1,897 followers
RC Boldt is a USA Today bestselling author currently living in part of the Costa Rican jungle with the love of her life and her mini-me.
If you're in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos or can't recall the lyrics to a particular 80's song, she's your girl.  


RC is not regularly active on Goodreads but if you're looking for updated release dates and book information, please check out her website at http://www.rcboldtbooks.com or follow her on Facebook and Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/rcboldtauthor

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 336 reviews
April 3, 2018
I loved Beckett in He Loves Me Knot but omg I’m completely obsessed with him now! He’s a sincere gentleman who just wants to take care of the ones he loves as well as make the world a little better each day! He loves fiercely and gives everything his ALL! Ivy though is one tough cookie! She has been through hell and back and has done all that she could to succeed and make her way in the world! She finally discovers that she hasn’t been truly living till she meets Beckett but is his drive enough to change Ivy’s mind on love?
Profile Image for Hopelessly Addicted To Books .
3,485 reviews144 followers
April 3, 2018
I first met Becket in He Loves Me Knot if you’ve not read it why? I adored him as the supportive friend that Blue needed but this time he takes centre stage and I couldn’t be happier.

Becket is the guy everyone loves, from grandmas to babies no one can resist his charm. He’s seen his best friend get her HEA and bye he wants his, he longs for a family of his own.

Ivy is anti commitment her job is giving people advice on the perfect breakup. I didn’t take to Ivy right away I think that’s because she’s a bit of an enigma. Over the course of the book she grew on me, I started to get her and when her past was revealed it was like an aha moment.

I loved that we get to catch up with all the guys especially Emma and Knox. Becket is the star of the book for me he just encompassed everything I want in my BBF.

Looking forward to the next book with this group of friends.

reviewed by Sweet Spot Sisterhood
Profile Image for Vickie.
1,651 reviews63 followers
April 4, 2018
4.5 stars

Ditched is Beckets story and I’ve been very impatiently waiting to read it. I loved Becket in He Loves Me...Knot but I was ecstatic to see he had a book of his own.

Ivy and Becket couldn’t be more different. Ivy makes a living breaking up relationships. Don’t want to be with your partner but want to let them go with as little drama as possible? Then Ivy is your girl! Unsurprisingly Ivy is not a relationship type of girl and doesn’t see that changing...ever.
Becket is a NFL quarterback who’s waiting for the perfect woman for him to come along. Not interested in one night stands, he’s all about long term relationships. When his best friend gives his number to a very reluctant Ivy, it leads to the start of something between them. Back and forth texts about the word of the day app show Becket that Ivy could be the woman for him and he’s determined to win her over no matter what.

The banter and chemistry between Ivy and Becket is perfectly balanced and the story had me engrossed. I really needed a feel good, low drama romance to lose myself in and Ditched certainly delivered. I didn’t put this down once. Can’t wait for more from RC Boldt.
Profile Image for Leslie.
Author 38 books1,368 followers
May 31, 2018
I LOVED Ditched by RC Boldt. One of my favorite characters in He Loves Me ... Knot was Becket, the Heisman winner. When I found out that RC wrote his story, I had to read it! And it was one of those books that made me stay up until 1 AM because I couldn’t put it down!

I ADORED Ditched. It’s got all of my favorite things—nice guys who are a little dirty and VERY hot, smart girls who are hurt and get redemption, big gestures, and a unique story. I read it with a smile on my face the whole time, and it will be a book I’ll want to reread. Don’t miss Ditched, it’s one of my new favorite books of all time!
Profile Image for Amy.
693 reviews
March 29, 2018
RC Bolt
5 stars

Oh gosh ladies - this is the book we have been waiting for. If you read He Loves Me Knot then you have met Beckett and most likely fell in love. Not because he’s rich - an athlete or handsome - you fell in love because of the way he took Emma and completely immersed her in kindness without a second glance. This book is a stand alone but i first suggest you pick up the above mentioned book if you want to know the beginnings of how we know this brilliant character.
Beckett has something deep in him that we aren’t made aware of until now. Nothing dark but his heart is not full by any means. His career is perfect but his personal life is broken with the exception of Emma.
The story leads us to Beckett and how a woman needs a man like him just as much as he needs her.
What a read - I don’t think I have ever read more captivating books than RCs. Her characters are honest - they are real - they are written so that you can see the events unfolding around you.
This is a must read - a brilliant and beautiful story that you can’t miss. Thank you for the ARC. Review to post to Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets.
March 25, 2018
Becket Jones just upped the book boyfriend standards for me
Ivy Hayes is a professional break up artists of sorts and has a serious aversion to relationships.
Becket Jones is a pro quaterback that hasn't let fame go to his head and family is what means the most to him, he wants a relationship with Ivy. That's what made his book so interesting to me, cause normally its the other way around.
This is book is a sports romance with some comedy and a whole lot of FEELS, like a whole lot!!!

I loved everything about this book!!! The characters, the plot, the few little twists that i certainly didn't see coming.

I really hope to see the other characters get a book.
Profile Image for KFForever.
1,053 reviews33 followers
March 29, 2018

Reviewed by Emma-Louise on behalf of KFF

Man, what a read this one was. I so hoped after finishing ‘He Loves Me...Knot’ Beckett would get his own book and sure enough he got his book and then some. Ivy Hayes was his equal in every sense of the word.

‘It’s at this moment it falls together for me. Her sacrifice of comfort for me, for my mother’s memory, means more than Ivy could possibly imagine.’

I adored the use of the ‘Word of the Day app’ and the fun that ensued because of this. Ivy’s closest friend Darcy held such a presence on the page that I fell in love with her almost instantly. I dare not forget to mention Leif, he has the ability to make me vanish, digitally speaking, that is. And if that isn’t enough fun factor on the page; we finally are introduced to Beckett’s elusive brother, Brant makes an appearance on page and he is wonderful, caring and so very funny.

The title of this book will make sense to the reader once they get started on this wild ride of a book. I often wondered prior to getting Ditched into my grubby little hands what the title meant and I loved every minute of it once I realised what it meant, for not only Ivy but for the rest of the characters of this little gem.

‘Then he breaks into a wide, toothy grin and a tiny voice inside of me screams. He’s a good guy. Ivy. You really will hurt him.’

The way that Ivy and Beckett meet is so very succinct for this author and rings very true towards the characters involved. All I will say is that who causes it has always devotedly been in the corner of Beckett.

“Oh my gosh, I love your shirt!”
“I’m sorry to startle you. My best friend would absolutely love that shirt,”. “You wouldn’t happen to be single, would you?”

Emma Jane and Knox are very key players in this book, and this reviewer wouldn’t have it any other way. Emma Jane especially is important to Beckett, and vice versa. They were there for each other through thick and thin and it only makes sense that she would be such a large presence on page.

The ups and downs in this book are examples of extremes, this author sure does love to torture her characters, and the sadist in me adored every minute. She has the genius of being able to spin a tale in any way, shape, or form and it never not works. There is zero detraction from the story whilst in progress. And there is not a single word or paragraph of useless text. The romance is slow burning and extremely gentle. Ivy comes from a hard background and is almost like a feral cat at the beginning. Beckett is the kind of man not afraid to follow through or use his softer side. He’s the kind of man that many women would fall to their knees for.

‘This--here with you--I feel like I’m baring more than my skin. Like he sees more than simply a naked woman standing before him.’

Ultimately, I went into this book head over heels for both Emma Jane and Knox, I didn’t think for a second that Beckett or Ivy could change how I felt about them. I’ll freely admit to anyone who asks, my mind was changed within the first ten percent of the book. Beckett and Ivy have jumped ahead in my affection. This, like ‘He Love Me...Knot’ is not an easy read; however, it is so worth the time and effort. I laughed, and I cried with these characters and to me they feel more real than most bok characters I have had the pleasure of being introduced to. Thank you Ms. Boldt, and congratulations on another scintillatingly, awesome read.
Profile Image for A.BookNerd.Bookseller&Bibliophile.Blog.
2,706 reviews100 followers
April 1, 2018

I literally just finished Ditched....and I’m still trying to process how absolutely amazing this book was.

Becket Jones....sound familiar???? We had our first introduction of him in He Loves Me....Knot.....first, I was so HAPPY to realize Ditched was his Book!

Ivy Hayes.....beautiful, strong, independent woman who is a survivor but has a past that has shaped her.

And yes....Becket is part of my Book Boyfriend Harem now. He has upped the ante for all my future BBF........ “God, Ivy........You Undo Me”......welcome Becket to my harem. ❤️❤️❤️

Ms. Boldt’s ability to draw you, the reader, into the story is pure perfection. Ditched is a must #oneclick and then go ahead and one click everything she has written.

Reviewed by: Dana D.

Profile Image for ANB kc.
171 reviews3 followers
April 10, 2018
This was my very first RC Boldt book and I loved every minute of it. It was perfect from the beginning to the end and I can't wait to dive into more of Rc's books! Sports romances isn't typically the kind of books I would normally choose, but this book mixed the right amount of sports and romance together to keep me interested. Becket is book boyfriend material 100%! ~ Tisha
Profile Image for Jewel Ann.
Author 55 books9,082 followers
April 3, 2018
Ditched is fun, witty, and unexpected. I loved R.C. Boldt’s voice from the first page to the last. Endearing characters and a perfectly paced storyline made this a winning, five-star sports romance. I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,780 reviews138 followers
April 3, 2018
You wanna know what saved the book from getting a 1-star rating? Or should I say who since it's Becket? That guy is totally book boyfriend material and I loved him. He is a great person and adorable. I know it's not a manly word, but I feel like it's appropriate. He could be the only reason to recommend the book. Of course, that is not going to happen because we also got poison Ivy. Oops, I mean Ivy, our "heroine". She wore me out from early on. She kept saying how she didn't want a relationship and she wasn't that kind of woman etc and I couldn't stand it anymore. We all got that by chapter two where she breaks it of with the man she just slept with because he wanted more. And that was a flashback which I still don't understand why it was written. It didn't help me understand Ivy more and truth to be told it also didn't have a big impact on the present. It was pretty useless. I also don't understand why she kept pushing Becket away even when she developed feelings for him. Actually, she was pushing him away for most of the book and that tired me. I wasn't satisfied with Ivy's backstory and some things made me feel like they were added just to cause friction between the main characters and nothing more.
Profile Image for R.C. Boldt.
Author 31 books1,897 followers
March 26, 2018
A little bit about DITCHED:

* This book is a sports romance/contemporary romance with a bit of a twist. It is a brand new standalone, full-length novel.

* The cover reveal will be on March 20, 2018.

*Read an excerpt here: https://goo.gl/dzbG2N

* The novel will release on April 3rd on all retailers.

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Amazon US: https://goo.gl/u925rX
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/RR1T2u
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Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,844 reviews1,460 followers
April 3, 2018
If you've been paying any attention to all the fangirling I've been doing on our blog Facebook page these last few weeks, you already know that I've been insanely excited to get my hands on Becket Jones. Er. His story. And gaaaahhhhdddd, you guys! He did not disappoint.

I was already pretty much head over heels for Becket after reading He Loves Me...KNOT (which is where I first met Becket, but it does not have to be read before reading this one), and so DITCHED basically just finished the job. Football players are my kryptonite, but the fact that this one is also kind, smart, and funny is just...oof. Impossible not to love! Impossible! Add in a broken heroine who, like me, can't seem to resist the charms of our entirely swoonworthy hero - no matter how hard she tries - and I was hooked. Immediately hooked. Immediately taken with these two and their beautifully written love story.

I felt like the formula here was just right. This is a sports romance - but it's not terribly sporty (so those of you who think you don't know enough about football to read this book, fear not! You'll be fine!). There are some deeply emotional moments but they're tempered by some lighthearted laugh-out-loud moments (and Becket's teammates provide plenty of comic relief)! There's a little thread of mystery running through the story that kept me wondering, and I truly had no idea what to expect when the plot twists started dropping. The whole thing - it all just felt like the perfect package.

And then the ending?

You know how sometimes you finish a book and you feel a sort of euphoric high? Like your heart is racing and you can't wipe the smile off your face and you literally feel a sort of rush through your bloodstream? Yeah. That happened here. It was SO GOOD. And now, frankly, I'm a little bit sad that there's no more Becket Jones in my life. He's amazing. This story is fantastic and RC Boldt has knocked another one out of the park! Er, wait. She's run another one into the end zone! ~ Shelly, 5 Stars


Y’all, I fell in L.O.V.E. with Becket Jones in He Loves Me . . . Knot and holy moly did I fall in deeper with him in Ditched. The man is perfect. No, seriously. He loves kids and animals. Loves his family and friends. Will do just about anything for anyone. Add in the fact that he’s a football god, a really handsome one to boot, who’s looking for that one person to spend his life with—he’s a long-term guy. And he’s got me and all the girls in the yard actively swooning.

And Ivy. Man, that woman is driven. Driven to make something of herself. Driven to rise from the ashes of her crappy childhood. Driven to help make lemonade out of the relationship lemons her clients find themselves stuck with. But something that’s not driving Ivy is finding love and a person to share her life with. She’s immune to love—or so she thinks. But she’s never met a force like Becket.

And he’s a force to be reckoned with. He’s all in on this growing relationship with Ivy, now if she would only give in to the feelings she’s trying so hard to keep beneath the surface.

Sigh. Seriously. I’m still swooning from this fun, smart, sexy, deep, lovely romance. I loved falling in love with Becket and Ivy as they went. Their hilarious meet-cute was crazy fun. I loved how their friends and family rallied around them both. That they had amazing support systems.

And that ending. Good lord, I did not see that coming! It was brilliantly original! ~ Missy, 5 stars
Profile Image for The Book Bee.
567 reviews276 followers
April 4, 2018
"Lord Almighty, that man's voice could melt panties worldwide."

This book right here is a very good representation of RC Boldt's humor and wit playing into a very swoony read. She seamlessly infuses humor and sexiness throughout her stories with ease, and it was very apparent with this one. I fell hard for Becket and his witty banter and personality, and Ivy's aspirations and drive were commendable, to say the least. She was a strong woman, but quite secretive too.

To recap, we met Becket in He Loves Me. . .Knot, but this is a 100% standalone, and you aren't missing anything and she doesn't give anything away by bringing up the characters we have loved in a few of her other books, which I can and will easily recommend. We got to giggle with Blue and Knox, as well as Presley and Hendy. I loved visiting with them.

Becket is the true epitome of the perfect man with his unassuming smile and sexy body. He's most definitely armed with a head-turning personality as well, but he was humble to boot! I loved him so much. The vibe I got from him, it made me smile. Not ONE thing about him wasn't delicious. The heat between Becket and Ivy was so easy and didn't feel forced in the slightest bit, and I admired his tenacity. He fought for Ivy's affections, but he was so smooth when he did that. He gave me the giggle-smiles. I got the chills. I got the butterflies. RC's so damn good at that feeling. I just love to read it.

Now, having loved the H/h so much, I must say that the biggest turnoff for me wasn't the crazy drama this time. It was HER reason for trying to stay out of the spotlight. It felt like it was out of left field. I wasn't feeling it, which is w-e-i-r-d for me when it comes to RC! Now, I am not a celebrity and have no knowledge of what actually goes on in that field, but that's probably why that drama didn't overtly shock me. But Ivy had a serious aversion to the spotlight, and finding out the why was a letdown for me that felt a little contrived. But honestly, the end sure did make me smile and somewhat made up for it. I was cheesy-grinning from it.

RC Boldt is fast becoming one of my go-to authors for lighthearted, witty, and sexy reads that have a swoony Hero and a strong heroine. Her witty banter is one of my favorites to read. I have read most of her books and have enjoyed them all, so this clearly is a strong point for me. I love that she can tell a serious story, infuse some giggle-worthy moments, add a dash of sexy time and she gives me a smile-inducing read every time. And her themes? I love that she can thread that into her story and makes it a point that I can connect with each time it comes up! This is definitely a book worth picking up!!

"You undo me."

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--> My giveaway: http://bit.ly/2uJ75h3
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,427 reviews400 followers
April 11, 2018
Que delicia de livro. Algumas coisas fora do padrão, mas no conjunto, maravilhoso.
O personagem principal é tudo e mais um pouco. Muito bom!
Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews504 followers
April 3, 2018
Ditched is one of those sports romances that resonates within you well after you’ve finished reading it. The captivating storyline delivers so much within it’s pages – from heart-warmth to heartache, passion to pain, and fear to freedom. This unique and incredibly well-written book packs a punch to the feels with it’s humor, chemistry, and passion.

The characters of Becket and Ivy bring a diverse outlook on how sports romances are portrayed. Both have tragic and painful pasts, which propel them into the people they’ve become. But where one’s learned contentment and acceptance, the other has learned bitterness and avoidance. Becket and Ivy’s relationship together is definitely not without its faults, but their deep connection and allure towards each other brings hope that a past full of hardships and pain can be overcome with the right person by their side.

This was an outstanding read! Like the author’s previous books, this story has the power to bring out an array of emotions. Comedy, drama, and sweet and sexy romance are just a few qualities that lie within. A highly recommended must read you won’t be able to put down!

4.5 Stars!

*ARC provided for a voluntary honest review.* ~Kelly
Profile Image for Ros 🌻.
450 reviews43 followers
October 15, 2018
“I hope you don’t mind sharing me with other girls?” Proceeds to bring his two toddler nieces along on their first date.

Yeah, we get it. Beckett’s such a nice guy. But really, this is hardly romance of the century material. I read for an escape from mundane scenarios such as this.

The first few chapters of this book are slightly erratic, and then after this lacklustre of a date, I called it day on this one.

Profile Image for Kahea.
2,129 reviews120 followers
March 28, 2018
***5 ‘#TeamBeckett /Only Love’Stars***

This book was filled with all kinds of goodness. It was fun, sweet and smexy and I swear my cheeks are hurting from the dopey smile I KNOW I had plastered to my face the entire time I was reading because there is some serious swoon worthy heart twitterpating moments that go on in this book. There was also a good dose of heartstring pulling aka making my eyes do that watery thing moments as well as a few growl inducing ones, but as they were mixed in with everything else they only served to keep me turning the pages and wanting more when everything was said and done.

OMG Beckett! Seriously this man makes me all swoony and twitterpated while making my ovaries explode. No joke. He is practically perfect and is full on book boyfriend material. I could say more, but you just need to experience him.

Ivy. This woman. The walls around her heart are high and wide, and despite not knowing the full story as to why she’d built them so high, I hurt for her believing that she had to keep her heart on lockdown. But even with that in play, it didn’t make her cold ~ in fact she was warm, sassy, funny, snarky and determined.

Beckett and Ivy’s journey starts off on a somewhat unconventional foot and continues that way as they get to know each other and Beckett somehow finds that one crack in Ivy’s walls, gets under her skin and burrows his way into her world. I loved their bantering, flirting and the sexual chemistry between them was hot! There are some interesting twists and turns in their journey, some expected, others surprising, but I loved where they ended up after all the smoke cleared.

I pretty much devoured Ditched. I loved the premise behind ‘Ditched’ and how it started. The secondary characters were so much fun. Tank and Dax cracked me up, and I really hope we’ll see them again in the future, I now NEED to read He Loves Me...Knot and the glimpse of a couple that I knew was awesome. So if you’re looking for a fun, quick read with lots of heart, a couple of interesting plot twists and just enough drama to keep you on your toes then this is a definite must read for you!

~ Copy provided via Give Me Books & voluntarily reviewed ~
Profile Image for Andrea Britton.
1,821 reviews37 followers
March 31, 2018
Talk about a beautiful sports romance! Ummmm...I’m not even sure how to write this review. It’s that good y’all!! Woah....like make you melt good! RC Boldt has written an all consuming read that will make your heart so happy! Ditched takes us on a journey of trying to move forward but not fully being able to because of the past. But as long as love is the endgame they can and will get passed all of the obstacles in their way.

Ivy Hayes hasn’t really had that good of a childhood, plagued with not truly being loved and shown affection she has sworn off love. That is until she meets Becket Jones star NFL quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars. Everything she ever thought changes once she starts seeing him.

Becket Jones isn’t that flashy NFL Qb everyone thinks he should be. He’s more humble and he’s more stable. Friends would almost call him perfect. (And he is, dang that man can make you swoon!) His whole world changes once he meets Ivy.

We follow these two through many emotions and many secrets. We get to see them grow together before things get turned upside down. We watch as two people fall in love and overcome some hiccups along the way. This book is emotional, this book is hot, and this book makes your heart full! It’s the perfect package. Highly recommended.

~Andrea B~
Reviewer for Everything Marie Book Blog

*I was given this book by the author/publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.*
Profile Image for Julie.
2,004 reviews31 followers
March 25, 2018
I liked Becket Jones, he’s an NFL quarterback, famous, wealthy and super hot. He’s pretty laid back too though, down to earth, hasn’t let his fame swell his head.
Ivy is different, she’s had a rough childhood, spent time in foster care. She’s making a living with her bestie, they’ve grown up together and she thinks of her as a sister more than a friend. They’ve started a business together, Ditched, a professional breakup agency.
Becket and Ivy meet when a friend asked for help, and it rolls from there.
It’s a fun story and the characters are very likeable, all is well until some old history is revealed to rock the boat.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,704 reviews589 followers
November 21, 2019
With a Hitch is my favourite R.C. Boldt read – I’m still waiting to find a Dax of my own, as that man is everything – and since reading it I have been curious about Ditched. I loved Ivy and Becket as side characters and was left with the belief they would be wonderful main characters.

As I had hoped, Ditched was another wonderful read from R.C. Boldt. I was sucked in from the start, hit with all the feels throughout, and could not get enough of it. Becket did not replace Dax – that man remains my favourite book boyfriend of all time – but he was a wonderful character and I enjoyed his story.

Filled with Boldt’s wonderful writing, fabulous characters, and a gripping story, this one had me unable to put the book down. Once I started, I had to finish it in a single sitting. I could not get enough, and it left me positive I need to dive into He Loves Me… KNOT to better understand side characters I adored.
Profile Image for Piper Rayne.
Author 148 books5,214 followers
April 4, 2018
I absolutely adored this book...

The hero, Becket, is OMG swoonworthy. The entire book holds a punch of emotion from beginning to end. I couldn't put the book down. Great read!
Profile Image for Laura.
2,425 reviews115 followers
April 3, 2018
***ARC Provided by the Author and Give Me Books***

I enjoyed this title overall. I liked Ivy and Becket, and I enjoyed their relationship...although I did get a little annoyed at how often she pushed him away and how many "you can't and shouldn't avoid relationships" conversations she had with the people in her life.

I also struggled with the "grand gesture" at the end. Yes, some books do require this, and I do agree this one did. But, part of the balance of having a hero in the book being in sports at the elite level is that they take the job seriously. So, for me, the grand gesture didn't seem realistic.

I did enjoy the story overall, and I liked getting to know Ivy and Becket. It was enjoyable to watch her and Becket figure out a way to have a relationship that worked for each of them. I enjoyed the little touches, the dog, the text relationship, the friend hiring Ivy's company to break up with the woman he was dating.

I do recommend this title.
Profile Image for Marieke ~ Marieke's Books.
454 reviews25 followers
April 3, 2018
4.5 stars

In most romantic books it’s the hero who has commitment issues, and the heroine who has all the dreams about the perfect Happily Ever After; hubby, kids and everything. But what if it’s the other way around? Ditched tells the story of Ivy and Becket, I simply love this couple.
“I think about you, too.” “Do you?” The biggest damn grin spreads across my face. “Oh, yes.” “Do tell, Miss Hayes.” “I think of you when I’m in bed.” There’s a slight hitch in her breathing.”

Ivy has found her ‘destiny’ at a young age. For some reason she’s very good with helping people to break up their relationship in a positive way, and together with her bestie Darcy she even developed her skill into a thriving business. Ivy is shaped by her younger years, and she doesn’t do love, holding hands en cuddles. Meeting Becket however changes everything, she tries to hold on to her believes, but the guy is kind of irresistible.

Becket is a quarterback for the NFL Jacksonville Jaguars and pretty successful. But when it comes to the women he’s a bit different. Becket is not your typical party hardy womanizer; he’s actually looking forward to start a real relationship (and his own family) with the right woman. Unfortunately for him, he has set his eyes on commitment-foob Ivy. Convincing her will be the hardest game he has played in a long time.
“The controlled, guarded Ivy is screaming at me to get out of here and never talk to him again. The other one, the one I didn’t think still existed, is encouraging me to open up to him. Telling me that it’s safe. That he’s safe.”

Becket and Ivy are just… swoon. They have a great chemistry, but there’s so much more to them then just the physical aspect. Becket is a great guy; he’s a loyal friend who’s there for the people he loves. Seeing his best friend Emma Jane having it all, makes him think about his own future, and he sure sees himself with Ivy. Ivy however is scarred by her childhood and love terrifies her. There were moments I wanted to step into the book and hug/slap her a bit. Becket wouldn’t hurt her, wouldn’t throw her away. I love how in the end, she finally opened her heart and let Becket in for real.

Like a lot of RC Boldt’s books, Ditched is a completely standalone story. But if you think Becket sounds familiar; yes, he was a side-character in He Loves Me … Knot. Ditched has it’s funny moments, but there are also much more serious parts. To the outside world Ivy seems to have it all, but she has build some serious walls around her heart; I love how Becket breaks through them. Ivy and Becket are just an amazing couple, I love their story.
“I love you.” As soon as the final word leaves my lips, his mouth crashes down on mine. He kisses me with fervent intensity, with such ardent emotion, I feel it all the way in my soul.”

Profile Image for Jessica *The Lovely Books*.
1,242 reviews647 followers
April 1, 2018
Beckett Jones. Meeting Beckett in He Loves Me...Knot, I immediately fell in love with the fun-loving best friend to Emma Jane and the sexy quarterback for the Jaguars. Of course, there was no question that I would read his book because...Beckett.

In Ditched, we get the story of Ivy and Beckett, as they struggle to deal with newfound feelings of possible love. The moment Beckett meets Ivy, everything changes—he wants her, plain and simple. Ivy, on the other-hand, wants nothing to do with relationships. Never has and never will. Beckett makes it very hard for her to stand her ground. Who can blame her?

I found Ivy to be cynical and unlikeable at first but she quickly gained my heart. There’s a reason for why she is the way she is—isn’t there always a reason? The more she and Beckett hang out, the more difficult she finds it to drop him. After all, she doesn’t believe in love for herself and doesn’t think it’s in cards for her.

I enjoyed watching Beckett bring his A-game to win Ivy’s heart. I also deeply enjoyed seeing Knox and Emma Jane! I really do love them. Overall, if you’re in need a of sexy sports romance with lovely characters, this is for you!

*Thank you to the author for providing a copy for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nerdy Dirty & Flirty.
3,985 reviews350 followers
April 4, 2018
I absolutely fell in love with this book. I have enjoyed everything I’ve read from Boldt and I was excited to read this one but I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was completely mesmerized.
Boldt was able create a deep story and complex characters without making everything feel heavy. While there were some difficult topics addressed, the majority of the book was light and fun. In addition to that, the slow build of the relationship was immensely satisfying. I was swept up by these two and the way they were together.

Ivy was a fantastic character. She was bold and broken; I loved her. But can I just tell you how much I adored Becket?!?! That man was amazing! I am beyond smitten. He was patient, understanding, sweet, funny...the list goes on and on. Not only do we have these two, but we get treated to a few of our past faves as well!

Boldt gives us a mix of humor, a sweet and sexy romance, a little mystery and angst, and a whole lot of heart. Once I dove in, I knew I wasn’t stopping until I finished. Another must read and a new favorite.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,498 reviews27 followers
February 4, 2020
4.5 stars

I bought this book at Book Bonanza 2018 after approaching the authors table on a whim. Im so glad I did. Beckett and Ivy have a unique story, one that had me questioning Ivy’s past through nearly the whole book.

I pulled it off my shelf because it was Super Bowl weekend and I knew it involved a football player, and I am glad I finally read it. I look forward to picking up more from this author as I loved Blue and Knox and want to see their story as well.
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,460 reviews282 followers
April 8, 2018
I really enjoyed this one!! My first book by this author. I’m excited to read more.
457 reviews10 followers
March 21, 2018
Ditched by RC Boldt, is a sports romance lovers dream! I fell in love with this book from page one. Beautifully written.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 336 reviews

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