Video games you have to play

video games
video games

What are video games?
With the modern day technology the word video game can be said to be any device that can display to produce either two dimensional or three dimensional images. Electronic systems use platforms to play the video games they can either be personal computers, television sets or handled devices.

Video games are controlled by game controllers which are different due to the various types of playing platforms that are available nowadays. Game controllers are of different types they can either be gamepads, joysticks, keyboards or a mouse.

Best video games
There are many types of video games to play but not all are interesting the following are some of the most interesting games to play that will make you not leave your sit any time soon. Here are some of the top best video games.

Grand theft auto five
It is a story telling mission based game play set in the city of los has three main criminal characters who plot on how they can best survive and succeed   in that city the following are the characters Franklin he is a street hustler who tries his best on how to score so serious cash; Michael his is an expert ex-con in need of some good retirement cash; and Trevor who is only interested on how to make quick cash no matter what it takes. They find themselves lacking any chance to make the cash and get involved in risky jobs that could set them up for good. The price of the game is Ksh 7995

The last of us
The game has two main character Joel and Ellie their world suffered from a fungal infection been survivors they live in one of the quarantine zones that are run  by what is left of the  military that oppresses them. Joel engages himself in smuggling contrabands for the right price. Joel is then requested by a friend whose faced by death to take care of Ellie a task which he thinks would be easy to Ellie to another quarantine zone turn out to be a change for both Joel and Ellie life. The price for the game is Ksh 3995

Dante’s inferno
Dante is an Italian mercenary who return home from war in the name of church which assures him what his mortal sins are cleansed  that were committed  during the war which ends up not to be so. He later finds out that his love Beatrice  was murdered and her soul dragged to hell  by dark forces he decides to care about anything but to find Beatrice decides  to descend to  hell. The game is selling at a price of  Ksh 2499.

Lastly we the change in technology video games are evolving and becoming more interesting its actually nice to buy one for your kids or to help you relax after a hard day’s work.

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