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Nutt steps down from £250m Jupiter distribution fund


Jupiter fund managers Tony Nutt and John Hamilton are stepping down as co-managers of the £250m Jupiter distribution fund.

The pair, who have managed the fund since March 2002, will be passing the management to Alastair Gunn and Rhys Petheram who have been deputies on the fund  since July 2010,

Nutt (pictured) and Hamilton will remain as deputies on the fund.

Petheram joined Jupiter’s fixed interest team in 2006 and has worked alongside John Hamilton since that time. Gunn joined Jupiter’s UK equities desk in 2007 to work alongside Head of UK equities Anthony Nutt. 

The distribution fund sits in the IMA mixed investments 0-35 per cent sector. The fund is up 35.6 per cent in the past three years compared to a sector average of 26.9 per cent.


There are 2 comments at the moment, we would love to hear your opinion too.

  1. owen David-Levveret 5th March 2012 at 2:00 pm

    It’s a pity they are standing down, when i worked at a competting fund manager we were always trying to bust a Nutt as the saying went

  2. i’m glad he went it would have been bad if there was a Nutt Sac and Hamilton Sac on the same day, would have been soo messy

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