
               TESTIMONIALS & POSITIVE FEEDBACK              

Your work is brilliant, innovative, uplifting, and a real gift of value for those with the eyes to see. I salute you! Your offering to the world, through your videos is unique, exceptional, and appreciated more than you may ever know. May you reap the harvest of your nectarine fruit. :) - Vibhuti Srimatadas FTC 

I really appreciate the way you have innovated technology to imprint the mind in a positive way. You are definitely the best composer of sensory imprinting that I have found to date and I believe you have the potential and inclination to inspire change in the lives of many who are willing to watch your creation and then follow-thru with action. - Jet Solo

Amazing I was listening to a self confidence hypnosis from another source, then I find this. My self confidence and body language increased a lot since I started listening to this, my abundance mentality is getting stronger as well. I am more calm, MUCH less reactive, my subconscious mind is much more helpful, I have very few negative thoughts, I no longer try to get approval, I approve of myself internally. I became much more interested in self improvement. I now follow my own path, my breathing is natural , I am much more creative. Lots of limiting beliefs and emotions came to surface and they "left". - Super Colonel

I think we are going to make a whole new race from these vids. Jamz d = making Superhumans everyday. - Michael Steven

You have helped me recover from severe Post Traumatic stress disorder...Thank you for your beautiful work. - weRvishnuu13

Your work and wisdom inspired me through the years to fulfill my dreams - Thank you! - Tally Koren

I have been watching a number of your videos, but this video I watched for the first time yesterday and I was released from 30 years of guilt and unforgiveness. - 

Thanks for the videos! They have changed my life for the better. - 

Hello Jamz D:) I am a natural health therapist and have used your work for some time now. With excellent results by the way! - M Otide

I feel better listening to your videos ? - Jose Cartagena

Your videos go far beyond anything else I have found. The level of detail and speed of constant information is awesome. So far every video has me hooked, right on, great job :) - jbarnett340

I truly love your work. I've been listening to and watching some of your videos. The effects they are having on me are awesome. So I commend you in this awesome gift that you have chosen to use to help others. - Dr. Melinda

I can verify that this works wonderfully ? I have been getting so many compliments and so many good things about my appearance have come my way. - 

You are so brilliant man!! Your videos are life changing!! Thank you!!
! - NRGRX 

I started listening to this 3 days ago and someone today complimented me on my eyes and cheekbones! and also I feel more confident... - dima al

Update: I started listening to this a month back and now my skin is flawless. No acne, scars or any blemish. Just perfect baby soft, clear skin. - Vintage Princess

Jamz D, thank you for videos that are not only effective but  also pleasing and stimulating on a variety of visual and auditory levels. The problem with a lot of subliminal videos is that they are just too boring to watch or to listen to, but yours are actually very entertaining.  The Lion's Courage video is especially fun.  ROOOAAAR!!!  (You're the Best.) - kimberly adams 

For myself playing Superhuman Upgrade and Be the Hulk together the effects are truly amazing. . . - Micky Boyo

Thank you for all these wonderful materials which inspire us and develop our unique features of the mind! Peace. - Mind Power Programs

I love these videos - started yesterday and they're already working! - Fern Ely Goodwin

I've been listening for over a month (at least 3 times a day or more, but a few days here and there I forgot to listen to it all together) that being said I've noticed a massive improvement in my skin, it's looking so much healthier and it feels softer (I've stopped breaking out, I can't remember the last time my skin was this clear and perfect). I'm feeling extremely confident in my appearance and my self love has improved dramatically. I'm feeling more confident having conversations with people, I've noticed my tone of voice has changed and I sound so much more approachable and nicer. I was told that I've been looking happier and much more calm and relaxed. - Astral Candy


Your videos bring out the best of everything from people watching them. - Snehal Gaekwad 

So, I've been using this for about 4 days now. I see a bit of noticeable changes. my body appears more feminine, I've gotten a lot of comments on how i walk (sass, confidence), people have also interacted with me differently. I am also amped up with confidence and self esteem. - SonicGenJSR Remixin

I've been using this for almost over a week and oh lordy let me tell you, its working alright. :D I already got nicer hips and fuller lips. I think the charm in this video works amazingly. lol, can't wait for school. - XD- Lily Silva

Definitely works! I started this a couple weeks ago, and have been doing it every day, including with my daily morning meditation. (: Soo uplifting and euphoric! Bless you. - Light Worker

In my case what really shows that this video has worked is my voice. It usually gets very quiet or hoarse when I'm nervous but today I felt so attractive and confident that my voice was nice and resonant. I even feel that people approach me differently. My friend who wants to lose weight told me that my body was her inspiration :) Thanks, Jamz D :) - Amelie R

I observed my behavior, after that I concluded, I became more calm. I was in serenity all times. My jokes became funnier and people stopped bullying. btw, the video is quite good. - Iraj Pudasaini

Hi Jamz D, I want to write you to thank you. My life is starting to change thanks to your subliminal videos. I'm always positive and every time a negative feeling or thought comes up, I can change it with ease. I'm sure you have something to do with this change. So thank you very much and keep posting!! - Pierre Nelson 

This got a bookmark after I put it through Infinite Looper lol, This is a great one. It's only been a few days, but I'm embodying everything I always thought was badass. - Nyghtshroude

Your subliminals are very effective and have helped me a great deal. Thank you. - FRANCIS MARCEL Naidoo 

Thank you for helping humanity. I watch at least 10 videos of yours a day. Amazing videos. - Bigcrazyt

Totally worked for me - Thank you!!!!!!!! - Sunshine Smiles ASMR

Watched it 3 times yesterday and my speed increased and jumping I jumped 4 ft in the air. - Taylor Oubre

Brilliant,  this one leaves me with inner strength as well. Feel more motivated, happy and energized. This one covers all the bases. Thank you. - deon de wit

The more I listen to this the more powerful I become and I can I feel it. - Aidan Maxwell

Hello I love your videos. After the beautiful skin one I looked at myself in the mirror and knew I was beautiful. - Robyn Mason


One of the best subliminal message videos ever! Thank you so much! Very healing ... - Inakis Eleven

I can actually feel this working through just the audio! Although it is even more powerful with the audio and visuals combined! Great job JamzD! I'm a big fan of your work! THANK YOU!!! - BYT Best of YouTube

Thanks jamz d - you are my favourite, everything I've watched by you touches me in the best way - thank you :)  and well done. - Chris McKirdy

I really shifted into a higher plane of existence after watching this. Thank you :) - The Sacred Tone

Day 1: This seems to be working! I woke up with so much energy. I felt super gorgeous/confident today- I got a lot of compliments about my appearance and got noticed a lot more. I found myself being more outgoing and talking to a lot more people - also someone even flat out said they notice I'm more outgoing and open! :) hopefully physical changes will start soon, but so far after just one day, my attitude is drastically more positive and my demeanor is more confident and bubbly!! - Casandra Hanson

Great video. My spirit was uplifted after watching. - LondonDreamSoul

I've stopped watching tv and have been watching subliminal vids like this every day I feel amazing and people can see it in me that I am the Alpha Leader. Thank you. - Scott Erskine

Hey Jamz. Love the videos. I watch a few of them everyday and I am improving my life daily. - liveoutloudhd

Just wanted to say that your subliminals are strangely powerful compared to others I've listened to, so yeah keep up the good work. :) - The Encyclopedia1

Thank you!! Helped me so much in school. - Zack Jaeger

Thanks for these amazing videos and awesome music +jamz d !! They are really helping me! - KiKi Jones

Awesome video. Your videos are like a piece of art. :) I sleep to your super human videos every night and the bad ass. I notice my dreams have changed a lot lately I look different and i talk a little different.  I lost a lot of weight and gain a little bit of muscle. Of course it is small results for now but it is working great. Results can only get better and greater when continue use of these videos. - Bigcrazyt 

I am grateful for jamz d. The outstanding material jamz d puts out helps me on my journey Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! - John Durante

I watched this before practice and I destroyed the punching bag. I am not even joking. Seriously. - benito gaspar-hernandez 

Watched this just before  leg day at the Gym............. I smashed through squats leg press and extensions. What ever it is in this............It works for me, no kidding.  Thank you jamz d. - Chris Penman

Thank You again!!!!!! This video has made a difference in my trading when I am not feeling so confident!!!! May you continue to prosper in everything you do!!!!! - IAMVIBRATION 

Watching this everyday seems to be working. - James Tucker 

I'm really grateful to the author of this alpha male subliminal video. It is awesome!!! I've been following subliminal videos for over a year, and I can say with confidence that this video is one of the best; if not the best. - Saul Zamora

Awesome. I felt instantly happy and started smiling right at the start of the video. - NetworkMarketingVT7

Thanks for creating this, this is actually very helpful. And the music behind it is perfect. - itsadryheave

Omg. I love this one!  The statements, the images, the song - they blew me away.  I feel like I can conquer the world after watching and listening to this one!  Wow wow wow!  Thanks so much for creating such a gem! - BurgundyandBlue1111

Wow, simply amazing. Made me feel better. I like the music as well...hits my soul. - Testify435

Hey jamz d, thanks so much for your work in making these videos and uploading them for free! They have helped so many lives improve. - Grayson Lee

Dear Jamz d Just wanted to tell you how amazing your videos are : ) Thank you! - Martabello

Wow this is one of the best things I have ever seen. Thanks so much for putting this together, I will watch this everyday when i wake up :) - Tobi Atkins

Masterpiece after masterpiece...I'm running out of cool shit to say lol thank you! - 

Hi jamz subliminals, I am definitely feeling the effects of your positive subliminal programs. I play them when I workout and I feel this rush of energy that makes me want to dance! - Kekai Water

Hi! i just discovered your channel! WOW what you do is amazing, thank you for taking the time to do this! - Chelsea S.

Hello, Jamz d. I am a big fan of your work. I listen to almost ALL of your subliminal videos, they are that impressive to me. Please keep up the good job. - Ali A

Thank you I have followed you since the beginning and you my friend are awesome and you keep getting better by every video. I really appreciate that you share these legendary videos with the world, much respect and thanks from Croatia. - Dino Bešić

This makes me feel like I can lift a mountain. - Red Panda

I feel awesome while listening to this. - KilledAssassin

This is the cure to social anxiety. - AlphaBro

Superman update: I have been using this subliminal for a while, and I have seen some results. Not all, but some. I am much faster, smarter, and stronger than I was when i first started. I am on my way to being indestructible as I cannot get cut. And every time I think of flight, I feel an upwards pull. I can assure you this subliminal works. - SomeGuy WithAnAfro

This is great! Your work is such a blessing to myself and so many others. I feel myself transforming into a much better person. Thank you so much! ❤ - Syncere978

Thank you! This is beautiful, made me swelled with tears. - Shely Chen

Your videos are a blessing in my life, thank you. - prezlo

Thank you for the great video! It helped me :-) - Margaret Beznakova

I've only been using this for one day and I've already gotten a lot of compliments today and my lips are starting to have more of the shape that I want! - αι ℓιи 艾琳

It truly works, almost like magic. It worked for me almost instantly.Germain Southerland

LOVE the music, the drop in some of them contributes to the whole message. Its all working!  Great work!  Thank You. - ittygirl995

Just wanted to let you know the personalized SUBLIMINAL you did for me is working. I've NEVER felt better. Thanks again. - Cynthia


Yours videos are awesome! keep up the good work. - Freddy The Gamer

Man I love your channel. U got a good balance of spiritual healing subliminal and physical manifest subliminal. I can tell ur heart is in right place. And u do a really good job on your videos. A real blessing. Thanks keep up the good work. Amenamaste - buddafly fx

Awesome videos. I have watched most of them, and watch some of them everyday. I've already noticed improvements in my life...thank you. - Alan Hipps

I've been watching/listening to your Alpha Male videos for nearly 2 months now and I can tell you that I'm now a radically different person than I've ever been. My confidence has gone through the roof, the ladies are falling for me everywhere I go, desperately wanting to be with me and literally throwing themselves at me. I feel strong, powerful and unstoppable. Thanks jamz d! - gr demy

My reflexes and eye sight physical, mental, and spiritual capabilities have increased by a lot. Same with strength and running. Everything in the world looks clearer, more detailed and more color, higher senses. I've noticed my perception of time slowing down a lot on things like dropping something and catching it, reflexes, accuracy, and self awareness, if I notice some new trait that i'm developing, i'll almost instantly recognize it and understand how to train it, muscle memory, intuition. Learn things a lot faster. I'm also starting to feel the super strength for example, it doesn't take a lot of trying when apply a pushing force or lifting force to move something heavy. - Lightning

Thanks for the video! I want to prevent losing my vision and I want an awesome memory. It really works :) My vision got slightly better. - Sébastina Cormier

This clip raises my vibration!!! - Len Pal

Great videos, they have been a great help to me so far. - Jenn Washington

I must say that your video is nice, the images are beautiful and they impress my subconscious mind which is the right direction to reach the desired goal. - Eve Mélidor-Fuxis


All your videos are great. Very helpful. Thank You. - DavidBuckDharma

God bless you! Thank you for being part of my success!  :) - Alex Kid

THANK YOU for making this I LOVE it, I feel this working it's AWESOME ??? - superbbeauty Queen

After 1 month of listening to this subliminal, I have been seeing more and more results! I now am even more motivated to workout more. To the point that when I wake up in the AM, I am literally EXCITED to go workout! My muscles in various parts of my body are starting to show their development. The difference with me is that I listen to this and the superman mp3 at least 3 or more times DAILY! Any chance I get. Even while watching a youtube video on my iPad I have these mp3's playing in my headphones. Thanks Jamz! I appreciate it! - Neo Askuwheteau

I can feel a massive flow of energy coursing through my veins! Thanks for posting. - Robert Ferguson

Thank you jamz d, your videos make humans grow in a good way. - Seena THE

Awesome piece of work, a true gift that will no doubt benefit many. Thank you! :) - Vibhuti Srimatadas FTC

I listen to your material every day. Keep up the good work. Seriously. This is awesome. - MusicPhenom

Hi! I am a big fan...thank you for sharing your work. I heard this for the first time and I feel that it touches my soul. More power to you and your work! - Gigi Mabaquiao

Oh my i'm not sure ? if this really works or it is just a coincidence, I have started to listen this stuff; (charm 1 from october and this from nov 22) and recently I start to feel more confident with my appearance and feel easily to socialize with other ppl, and today my friends compliment me about how I lose some weight and they say my face is getting thinner. Lol I'll continue this. - Aina Carlina

This video has really helped me! I feel more confident and I have a higher self esteem. My anxiety has become less severe. I am getting more compliments over my appearance. I've been using it for 3 months so consistency is key!! - Jasmine B

This man has got a nice brain. Selectivity of pictures, Perfection, Music, everything is beyond expectations. Nothing - No video in this channel is a waste. - Black Panther

Ty..all ur videos are effective and awesome and Your superhuman upgrade 3 and attract love give instant results... And angelic protection is also working a lot. - drfr love

This video is by far my favourite subliminal video ever. The song is so good, the pictures are beautiful and I feel so fresh when I watch this vid. Amazing! - Joyce E. Lamar 

You have no idea how many subconscious minds you are healing. They say when we are sleeping, that's when our subconscious mind reviews that has been suggested, or said in I am form, etc. Dreams are a big key to see what you creating for yourself. Since I have been listening to your videos, my dreams are peaceful, my mind is showing & reflecting to me that it is reacting gracefully to your subliminal programs. You're helping others create their reality with ease. Namaste Jamz. <3 xoxo Miracles coming your way. Thank you! You really got somethin' here =^-^= - Light Worker 

I love the music and the images! I've been watching it for a couple of days and it really works! Thank you! - Chris Sánchez

I owe all my success to this powerful video. This should be on the news! - DontStopDooking 

Worked for me...had been listening to this for 2 weeks and then stopped listening...after 2 weeks after having stopped listening, I noticed that I am feeling fearless and I'm happier...the words 'I celebrate my life today and everyday' comes in mind everyday and it gives me more energy...think that this video had effect on the conscious as well as the subconscious mind. Thank u! ;) - mycreatedjoy

The whole world needs to see this masterpiece! XD - DOUBLE KAMUI SUBLIMINALS

This channel changes lives. - Christian Cassarly

I like the use and selection of bright, beautiful images, especially for this particular subject matter. ALL of this guy's videos are AMAZING!!! - Visionary0001 

I have used this for two days, I haven't seen a change in my face, however, I'm a lot happier now, and I'm constantly laughing and vibrant. This subliminal video is great! :) - Dopey Dwarf

Thank you for amazing videos!!! Best visualizations I have ever seen, very inspiring! :) - delArte

Thank you so much for making these videos!!!!!!! I can't thank you enough :D They are extremely helpful and such high quality!! ^__^ I'm looking forward to seeing even more great videos from you <3
 - Jessica Skylar

THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY PHENOMINAL! Terrific work with the video! I just have to say that I have been re-training my subconscious the last months and am shocked with how amazing life gets. Please whoever watches this, keep watching it and it will work miracles! :) - shaolinmagician 

...and many more. 

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