Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

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Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by Shen1986 »

Andrea Rossi is back with his Cold Fusion claims and this time he claims this:
On February 17, 2016, a 350-day commercial test of a one megawatt heat plant based on Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat was completed. The event must be considered historic since it’s the first time an industrially useful amount of energy is produced over such a long time from this kind of yet unexplained radiation-free nuclear reaction—LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.

To be clear, the report from the one-year trial, which has been controlled by a major independent third party certification institute, will be released only in about a month, and until then no official information is provided on the test result. However, multiple sources have told me that the test has been successful.
Taken from: ... completed/

Sorry that I am here extremely skeptical here and that I do not consider it a historical event because the test was done by Andrea Rossi along with his partner HEAT:
The test has been undertaken by Andrea Rossi and his US industrial partner Industrial Heat, and according to Rossi, commercialisation of similar industrial heat plants will be initiated as soon as possible, provided that the result is positive. Industrial Heat has acquired the right to produce and sell E-Cat based technology in, as far as I have been told, North, Central and South America, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Taken from: ... completed/

There are already some skeptical voices:
tyy wrote:February 20, 2016 at 22:13

So, what’s next? Let me guess.

Rossi will inform, that the test was a success but no details are available because they are confidential. Also, there are some problems with old e-cat technology, so the modules should be replace by e-cat X. Of course.

And then we wait for couple of more years. And the believers will be fascinated by the genius of good Dottore Rossi.

Same pattern has repeated several times already, so I why would the basic story change. It won’t.

More empty talk coming up. More excess heat.

Interested to see if the entertainment value is still there.
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Here another one:
Robbie Robertson wrote:February 18, 2016 at 22:48
The first 1MW trial were completed many years ago. The unit was built claimed to be running and sold. It was of course a load of crap. It was part of the big scam that followed the exposure of the 1st scam on the LENR claims for the e-cat that was followed by the hot-cat. The world now understands these scams. What is new this time? seems to be same people, same claims etc etc. .
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So what do you guys think of it?
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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by Gord »

I'm still waiting for my Mr. Fusion.

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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by TJrandom »

Have they started to ask for funding? Can I simply send cash?
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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by Gawdzilla Sama »

TJrandom wrote:Have they started to ask for funding? Can I simply send cash?
Unmarked bills, please.
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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by Flash »

Andrea Rossi, what a guy (we don't know for sure if he is a guy), a real unrecognized genius (for good reasons), a reincarnated Tesla himself (something went wrong in the reincarnation process), and a real saint (Saint Fraud).

In the time tested tradition of spitting on the geniuses Wiki writes:
In the 1970s, Rossi falsely claimed to have invented a process to convert organic waste into oil, and in 1978 he founded a company named Petroldragon to process waste. In the early 1990s, the company collapsed upon discovery that it was dumping toxic waste into the environment, and Rossi was jailed and later convicted for tax fraud and environmental crime.[5]

In 2008, after moving to the United States, Rossi attempted to patent a device called an Energy Catalyzer (or E-Cat), which is a purported cold fusion or Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) thermal power source.[6] Rossi claims that the device produces massive amounts of excess heat that can be used to produce electricity, but independent attempts to reproduce the effect have failed.
The bunch of ignorant critics and hatemongers will surely now say that in 1970 Rossi dumped tonnes of garbage he could not miraculously change into oil next to some picture perfect Italian town apparently explaining that he is not Jesus Christ. And I ask; can you martyr a man for such truthiness?

Upon being released from the Italian jail Rossi realized that only in the land of opportunity (and fraud) an intellectual giant like himself could do well and prosper. He moved to the good old USA.

The US patent office finally recognized the great man and granted him (a meaningless) patent on something or other.

Then, Anrea Rossi, this genius of science and technology invented the thermo-electric generator (that doesn't work) and the cold fusion device (presently bwoken).

Now, as far as we know this new American hero, and I must add, the future of science (not too bright now) still lives in the US and as far as we know hasn't yet tried to sell the Golden Gate bridge to a rich Chinese investor but sooner or later we can count on it. Either this or the genius will invent the faster than light personal space rocket.
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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by TJrandom »

Damn... sounds like he should have run for president.... :heyup:
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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by Flash »

I agree, he should. I bet Cruz and Rubio would make him look really good in the sanity department. :mrgreen:
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Re: Andrea Rossi’s One-year 1 megawatt E-Cat trial completed

Post by bobbo_the_Pragmatist »

Glad I caught this thread. I was wondering why I hadn't heard of this. I keep getting it confused with batteries from Elon Musk.
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