Ford prices new Focus cheaper than current model
BMW and Mercedes-Benz pass Lexus on sales

Andy Rooney declares war on car gadgets

By Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY

This just in: CBS' Andy Rooney is really, really, out of touch -- especially when it comes to his thoughts on automotive wizardry

That should come as no surprise, The elderly Rooney who opines every week on 60 Minutes is so old that he quotes Henry Ford as if he knew the guy. He did it in his commentary last night.

In this one, he complains about how "automakers have plans to install even more electronic gadgets in their cars soon." As if they haven't already.

"Do we really need more of them?" he said. "I knew I'm out of the loop when I read recently that the Ford Motor Company is allowing smartphone apps on Android phones to link directly to Sync-equipped cars. I not only don't have an 'Android equipped' phone in my car, I don't know what one is - wouldn't know what it was if I saw one."

Yes, Andy, you are indeed out of the loop. But we sympathize when he expresses that universal desire to simplify.

"I just want a car that I can drive to the store in and pick up a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread and go home," Rooney says.

A bottle of milk?

Ford prices new Focus cheaper than current model
BMW and Mercedes-Benz pass Lexus on sales
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