Which Is The Best Place On The Earth?

It was really a hectic day.
It was a wonderful event, no doubt, many good speakers, variety of topics.
It was over, I was totally exhausted. Entire day, I had concentrated hard.
I didn’t want to miss any of those golden words.

In the evening, I was on my way back home.
One new friend and me, both of us were in a local train.
Thankfully it was Sunday evening. The train was not crowded.
We were sitting comfortably. But not talking much.
In fact I was planning for a good nap.

Then all of a sudden something happened.

That new friend of mine asked me a question.
She asked,” What do you think, which is the best place in the world?

Oh no, not again.
I had enough of positive thinking, motivation, manifestation, dreaming etc etc for that day.
I really don’t want to answer any question.

People ask about dream, passion, motivation, diet and exercise.
But nobody asked me about a place yet

Also I found her tone very peculiar.

I started thinking.
Being a mother of a four year old, the first answer came to my mind was Disneyland.
My daughter talks about it all the time.
But I knew that just can’t be the answer.

Then my mind jumped to Switzerland, my dream destination for a vacation.
But looking at my friend’s serious expression, I knew that can’t be the answer either.

I gave up. I passed it girl.
I asked her,” I am not sure, you tell me, what do you think?”

Then she gave one of the most astonishing answers.
She said, “A Graveyard”
I jumped out of my shoes, all awake.
“A 'What' ?” I tried to reconfirm if I heard it right.

“Yes, A graveyard, that’s the place where all of us have to go one day.” She said firmly.

It is not over yet.

I came back home and wrote just two words in my diary.
“Die Empty”
That little conversation had left a bigger impact on me rather than the full day workshop.

My friend was right.
It’s your choice, either you finally reach the graveyard with all your strengths, skills, talents and gifts or share it with everyone and die empty.
I already made my choice.

I am an entrepreneur, I am a writer, I am a storyteller, and I am a truly creative person.

My job is to tell stories, stories that changed my life, stories that might change your life.
I want to spread my gift as much possible as I can before I visit that most beautiful place ‘A Graveyard”.

I want to “die Empty”

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Thank you so much for reading!
I will catch you next time.

Stay Tuned.
Take Care
Sheetal Mulay