An eye opener that you will never forget

Technology, automation, and human could be blended together to boost efficiency, leading to a new dimension of human living in this modern world of technology.

I have been thinking about what it means when education is automated, with such a metaphor of education as mass consumption of food by human.

What would happen when technology is used to drive learning and education, on a massive scale?

I have once thought that learning as digestion system (of food) metaphor.  So, is massive education different from personalized learning?  How would you interpret the massive education if that is the case?

I would surely be selective in choosing the healthy food to ensure a healthy body and mind.  So, taking too much foods don’t make us healthy.  What does it mean to you?

2 thoughts on “An eye opener that you will never forget

  1. Pingback: An eye opener that you will never forget | Digital Delights |

  2. Pingback: An eye opener that you will never forget | Social media and education |

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