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There's a difference between "portion size" and "serving size." A portion is the amount you pile on your plate, while a serving is a standard measurement of food, such as a cup or an ounce.

The best way to determine the amount of food in a serving is to measure it out. And precision is key: If you eat too little, you could rob your body of the nutrients it needs. And if you eat too much, you could ingest too many calories, and eventually put on weight.
That said, measuring and portioning food can be a real pain. To help you meet your weight loss goals–or stabilize that number on the scale—use this guide to get your portions right.

Raw Vegetables or Chopped Fruit

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Cooked Veggies

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Whole Fruit

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Fruit Juice

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To find out how to suppress your hunger hormone, buy The Belly Fat Fix now!

Dried Fruit

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Tuna or Chicken Salad

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To find out how to suppress your hunger hormone, buy The Belly Fat Fix now!


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Waffle or Pancake

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Rice, Couscous, or Quinoa

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Cooked Pasta

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Find out how to lose up to 5 lbs in 3 days, buy The Belly Fat Fix now!


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Pretzels or Chips

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Oil or Butter

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Meat, Poultry, or Fish

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Find out how to lose up to 5 lbs in 3 days, buy The Belly Fat Fix now!