

◆ When the princes of Babylon sent a lawyer to him,

2014年06月29日 16時03分00秒 | 聖書

and sought clarification about the sign shown in this land, and abandoned him to God in an attempt to him, to know all that is in its heart placed. (Thirty-two-thirty-one Ⅱ Chronicles)

Hezekiah was growing impudent in one's heart, became so proud to have the grace of God, mind to justify itself takes place, and began to rely on the safety of meat. As a result, the grace of God that was working actively has been removed time. This is intended to illustrate the folly against his Babironiya people. If there is anything the grace of God is like away from the best Christian, sin that is in their hearts, because alter even nefarious criminals him. If you are thrown away if, eager to Christ your cooled quickly, it will be of Laodicea Church "Namanuru is". You that the sight of the Lord now, have come to have a good chastity and virtue, so shall it be in the lurch devious think.
As of the month, our light is one borrowed. when grace shines on us, we shine. But the sun of righteousness if sink, we become dark. So, so that they will not that God never abandoned us, so you shout toward God.
"Lord. Please do not remove from us the Spirit of you." I, the Lord, those who watch it. Water was poured into the this constantly, no one, so as not to spoil it, you night and day It was said to be "are watching this also. so, Lord. Please protects us constantly no matter where you are. when the passion is too strong and young, please protect us. wisdom of yourself by old when it would otherwise have exposed that it goes up I think to be arrogant stupid than that because young people, please protect us. When we face death, please protect us. it is at the last moment Te, while the. we are alive as you do not have of refusing you, when you are going to die, when you work, when you are suffering, when you are fighting, when you are at rest, and protects us , please. Please observe even when where you are.. God. Because we will not require you everywhere "

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