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jolancik4 edited this page Nov 28, 2014 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the IT-Girls-Project wiki! My project will focus on developing an on-line store with herbs and spices as well as propositions of great recipes that uses presented products as ingredients. The second part may become the second part of this project, first I want to focus myself of getting to know the programs, coding in Ruby, and the recipes part can be implemented later in 2.0 version :)

First weeks - Meet up girls!

In the middle of November I've got an e-mail I didn't expect to get: I got in to "Learn IT, Girl" Programme! Since I got the message, all those questions came to my mind when I was thinking about it: will I handle it? Am I confident what project I want to start? What do I want to accomplish? During that time my mentor, Jana, has contacted me and we will get together on Skype to talk things through. So excited!