Performance of the Supervisor
  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • How professional is your Supervisor in his/her regular work?

  • How approachable is your Supervisor for your teammates?

  • In your opinion, how good is your Supervisor in allotting responsibility within the team members?

  • How honest is your Supervisor with his/her subordinates?

  • How well is the work distributed in your team by your Supervisor?

  • How often do you get a feedback from your Supervisor?

  • Has your performance improved after getting feedback from your Supervisor?
  • How often does your Supervisor listen to the team’s opinion before taking a decision?

  • How often does your Supervisor reward his/her team members for their good work?

  • How professionally does your Supervisor handle the mistakes done by the team members?

  • How realistic are the expectations of your Supervisor from his/her team members?

  • How satisfied are you, working with your Supervisor?

  • What should your Supervisor do to improve his/her performance?

    0 / 5000

That's all, folks!

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